
Today I cleaned my house. Today I inhaled many noxious chemicals. Today I make fun clean of house.

When I took a break, I suited up and ran. It was around 39 degrees and very sunny, but no warmth was cast upon me. I hit the 1.75 mile mark and my lung tissue was seared. For real I was quashed. I walked for 3:45 and then ran the last bit, totaling my "run" time at 26:02.

I am visually leaner. And the one pair of jeans I wear are getting looser, without question. In the past, when trying to rapidly lose weight, I always lost strength as well. However this time, as my strength is a skill, and is becoming "internalized", I will not suffer greatly. In the past, working with free weights in a rep scheme typically 10 and above and then embarking upon an 8 week aerobic training bonanza, I would return to the weights feeling small and soft. This time, knowing that I must avoid anything heavier than a 24kg to keep my neck free of snakebites, and knowing even better to stay away from double kettlebell overhead work where anything bigger than a 16kg is in play, the resistance workouts I am using to maintain will not leave me feeling sick and wasted. Good stuff. I also turned in the van today. That was a weird feeling. Like I was finishing a movie and it was the extended director's cut special edition. This shit was real. I took all my stickers off of the rear window, and removed my maps, iPod gear, and any other equipment shortly before driving it one last time (listening to Bjork and with an expressionless, bearded face) to Sarah's house. She has a buyer set up, and as the rightful owner of Mobile One, it was her call. Also, I couldn't secure financing at a rate that would allow MLK to function properly, so it was the best for everyone. And if you haven't tuned in for awhile, no worries. MLK is moving to the West Coast, and I am through with classes until i arrive at my next stop, but will be holding two workshops in December to keep hope alive. Click over to the TRAINING BLOG OF MLK to feed the hunger for details. . .

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