The pain of healing

Posting from the future about the past. I am not actually here.

Today, Saturday 071124
Run 5K

Friday REST

Thursday REST

Wednesday 071121
1530 Bikram Yoga
1800 Run 2.5 (with class)

Monday 071119
Executioner Style workout (with Advanced S&C Class)
Get Ups for 5 min. switching hands all reps.
Tabata 1 arm swings (:20 work :10 rest x 4:00)
Snatch 20l,r 15l,r 10l,r 5l,r (without putting the bell down)
Rest 1:30
10 sets of 10 push ups resting :45 between
Rest 1:30
40 swings/30 squats/20 swings/10 squats (100 Hip Extensions)
Rest 2:30
Pull Ups x5 x5 x5 x5 x10

Saturday 071107
Participate in AM Advanced S&C Class

Swing x 10, run 100M uphill, Double Long Cycle x 10
Swing x 15, run 100M uphill, Double Long Cycle x 15
Swing x 20, run 100M uphill, Double Long Cycle x 20
Swing x 10, run 100M uphill, Double Long Cycle x 10
Swing x 15, run 100M uphill, Double Long Cycle x 15
Swing x 20, run 100M uphill, Double Long Cycle x 20

I just found this on YouTube. This was from the Level II training in June. See if you can spot me. If you'd like a hint, I am the jackass shuffling around the field like I can actually shake away the pain. Ridiculous.

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