The Consumate Professional fight protocol

Protocol for 3 x 5 minute rounds used as energy production/fight simulator training:

Referred to as 3/5. In honor of the great 3rd Marine Infantry Battalion of the Fifth Marine Regiment. Any variation within the 3 x 5 subtitled accordingly. We have the Darkhorse, Operation Phantom Fury. All of that gear. The following three sets of guidelines are to be applied as we would assume the trainee(s) has/have learned the minimum of the kettlebell curriculum as well as no more than two simple and sinister drills.

Version One: DARKHORSE [The minimum approach to an injury-proof massacre]

Round 1st :30 STRIKING
Tabata KB Swing [4:00]

Round 2nd Party Minimum Get Ups
Switching hands every rep for 5:00

Round 3rd 1:00 Squat Thrusts/Sprawls
1:00 Deck Squat + Push Ups (no stand up)
1:00 Striking
2:00 of :30 Swing/:30 Hot Potato

Version 2: HAVE SOME [:30 ballistic KB drill or strike/:30 of a grind or BW drill]

Round 1st :30 strike :30 1 leg deck squat
:30 swing :30 push ups
:30 strike :30 pull ups
:30 swing :30 KB squat
:30 hot potato : 1 leg deck squat

Round 2nd :30 strike/:30 table top/:30 swing
Repeat for 5 minutes.

Round 3rd :30 Hot Potato/:30 strike/:30 deck squat
Repeat for 5 minutes.

Version 3.0: THE OLD BREED [free movement/clinch/ground phase]

Round ALL, each applied in varying order
:45 swing
:30 strike
1:00 Non Dynamic Deck Squat + high knees
:30 Hot Potato
2 Turkish ½ ups left + right

V 4.0 ODSAC* [Pull Up bar required]

Round 1st 1:00 Alternating Pull Up and Hanging Knee Raise
:30 Strike :30 Pistol L
:30 Pistol R :30 Strike
1:00 ½ ups L
1:00 ½ ups R
1:00 Swing

2nd 1:30 Single Leg Deck Squat + Pull Up
:30 Hot Potato
1:00 Rotational Towel Swing L+R
1:00 Mitten Towel Swings
1:00 Pull Up + Push Up

3rd :30 Rotational towel swing/:30 choke hold towel swings/:30 strike
Repeat for 5:00
*Offensive and defensive strength and conditioning