Response to Mike T. Nelson's "8 Random Things. . . ." post

I am sick and here is a post just to have something current to read. 

12 random things about me:

Since I began eating meat again, i have not reduced my nuts/beans/eggs intake.  Insert jokes here.

The Misfits are still my favorite band of all time.

I have the same birthday as the little girl from The Exorcist.

I was meritoriously promoted in the USMC three times.

I was sitting in Australia, drinking a beer and eating pizza when the attacks of 9/11 took place.

I trained to press and pistol the beast on my weakside without owning a Beast Kettlebell (106 lbs.)

Every single kettlebell i own is from Dragon Door.

My favorite movie is The Wizard of Oz.  After that i must say The Departed.

My plan in life is to coach Olympic Weightlifitng in California somewhere, sometime.

The love of my life, whom i nearly abandoned, has given me a chance to redeem myself.

The X Files is my happy place, where i go to escape and reinvest in things other than reality.

You are important to me.

Thank you!


  1. What about the Warriors...I will be seeing you back in Cali Someday, and Sometime as well...Trusty

  2. Thanks for the shout out man!
    See you here in MN soon.
    We will have to chat Misfits--love them. I got to meet Jerry Only once---amazingly, nice, passionate and great guy. I met Danzig once too, but he did not say too much (actually almost lost his voice after the show since he was sick). The bass player for Danzig was very cool and we chatted for almost an hour. Ahhh, the good ole days of working at a radio station. ha!
    Rock on
    Mike T Nelson PhD(c)
    Extreme Human Performance

  3. Trusty,
    You and i are more like Turnbull ACs or NY Baseball Furies, but we are always down to come out and play. Or are we Rouges??

    Mike T,
    See you real stinkin soon. When did you see the 'fits????????????

    I am super jealous. They are playing here in Philly on Sunday the 23rd. I WILL BE IN MINNEAPOLIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
