How did i find MY best system?

All movements tested beyond my baseline toe touch Range Of Motion, but i only trained the movements and movement variations that tested better than anything else in it's class. With Gym Movement testing protocols and the Order of Operations located within, we are allowed room to change a movement to see if it tests better. One of the models frankie Faires noted that we borrow is Paul Chek's 'Primal Patterns'. Basic lifts with varying degrees of specificity. For example. My thoracic spine rotation, to the right of my mid line, is significantly reduced when compared to the left. In order to improve upon the relationship between left and right, which i am sure has affected or has been affected by my sacroiliac situation, i am using varying loads and varying degrees of specificity to do so. I must run out to perform some sessions at The Studio, but i will be back to convey to you why i feel the Gym Movement protocols will turn me into a better slab o' meat than the Certified Kettlebell Functional Movement Systems ever could. Why? Gym Movement is my system.

What do i mean by Gym Movement is my system?
Maybe i enjoy lifting weights and performing movements that are detailed in someone else's book or DVD.  Perhaps there are drills and things that i like, or would love to try, but the messenger who promotes these movements to me attaches a rep count or some other math to the movement which i find inappropriate.

"Train quality, tested movements, with varying degrees of specificity, and the minimum amount of distress"
-The Movement thesis

I will be training this weekend at The Movement Minneapolis with Adam Glass.  We are available for private sessions and classes.  Contact me at 610.883.7455 or email me kettlebelltrainer@gmail.com

What i plan to learn this weekend is how to take specificity of movement to a new level for myself and my students. Specific, non-specific, and contra-specific movements are where we find someone's beneficial starting points.  We ditch the Elements Of Effort, and we follow Gym Movement protocol.  I am the movement.  I am ready to begin anew every day, forward march.

Read this before you do anything else please:
The World's Strongest Librarian [no doubt]

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