The Missing Frame

Form and fotune. Where would I be had I not developed the ability to lift weights, run far or fast, shoot well, or square away my gear?

Could a fatter, slower variation of mylself have earned such privelage as to have most of my education on strength training bestowed to me free of charge [yet never without cost]?

If I appear the flabbier, delayed suspect I mentioned before, would I be able to still convey to you what tip I am on at that moment?  Would you purchase something from me if I did appear to believe in it myself?  Perhaps I appeared convinving at first yet I offered new products to you throughout time, and after a season or two I came off to you as not comitted?

Never before have I doubted the use of the Russian kettlebell will bring most users a bushel of benefits.  many of the drills, both traditional kettlebell sport movements and the Hardstyle method, can elevate athletic sports and serve as systems for exercising.  As a tool now established in the functional training shed, the kettlebell was formerly synonymous with Pavel Tsatsouline, Russian born and now of sunny California.  As a game itself, kettlebell sport knew no popularity [nor even obscurity] in the United States.  Anyone who says they were regulalry training with kettlebells before 2001 would have to had been visited upon by a Russian or of questionable integrity.  From Pavel's popularity came the exposition of Girevoy Sport.  And now 3lb.  kettlebells are available at CVS Pharmacy, two shelves above the neck support pillows they retail for air travel.

Now, with my own training sidelined inferable from multiple MVAs, a two year stretch of working in a grocery store that required a degree of effort which wore my body thin, and two mountain bike wrecks. . .on concrete, I don't doubt the kettlebell.  But I have doubts.  I doubt that I need to compress my body super hard on every lift.  I doubt that lifting weights successfully occurs without proper breathing, but I doubt that the hernia in my abdomen or the inguinal hernia I am having surgery on in four weeks needs to have a third sibling before I begin to arrange my breathing more efficiently.

And with that word I'll discuss some things I don't even completely understand beyond my limited comprehension on bio-mechanics as it relates to skeletal muscle.  What I know is that the body talks and we seldom listen.  I also know that I can press a 1.5 pood handle-bell 8 times on each arm and maintain a smile.  Going beyond that would torment my skeletal muslce and beause I was dumped from a Wrangler at 70 MPH, or because while driving a Wrangler I was popped head on at 40 MPH on Independance Day 4 years later, or beacuse super high tension does not serve my purpoes at this point.  I understand that moemntary tension is required to move heavy weight but after that postural alignment and stability take over.  When I return to the kettlebell, and the pull up bar, and the kettlebell, I will have enjoyed a direct lay-off from training for over 12 months, and an indirect lay-off of over 2 and 1/4 years.  You will see me bent pressing The Beast at my intended BW of 225 lbs.  You will see me getting 18 pull ups with 10 lbs. on my foot by my 32nd birthday, and if I test well for it, I could again train for the USST, 24kg and all.  I'm awaiting Adam Glass' DVD come Monday as well.

At this point I am surprised than pain is not tired of me.

Going up?

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