Saturday was a day of rest and recharge. A few episodes of The X-Files and a massive feast early in the afternoon set the tone for a video tutorial [Grip N' Rip 2.0] and some buzzing around the kitchen, cleaning. Upon waking Sunday AM, I was out the door by 0900 for some sessions.
Two RKCs I train showed up for private sessions looking like bags of smashed ass. A patrol officer and a nurse both had grinding shifts and rough nights minus sleep. Their rolling patterns looked great but their biofeedback testing was all over the place! Officer Cop's baseline was 8" ablove the deck [no big deal, as it is all relative to the subsequent testing, not the ROM relative to any standard] and every thing he tested for, save parallel grip chins, was negative. Nurse Alpha shows up exactly at 0930, atypical as she is always early. She slept light after a long talk on the phone with a boy. This is a fit woman who can normally touch her flat palms to the floor. Yesterday saw her test poorly for everything except supine chin ups. Now, she did move through some other patterns just to make her body aware of the day.
So, they day came where people test bad and it is up to my judgement as a trainer of 8 years to make thier money talk,and their next session solid. I deferred to the biofeedback and kept their training light. When I see them again it should be on better rest. Regardless, I'm going to test them via toe touch ROM and work the heck out of what's available.
Doctor Bravo came to The Garage and tested well for everything. She played well with pairs of bells and we again trained her in prep for the density protocols this May. Right now I'm just collecting data.
Spotted Chin Ups for 5-4-3-2-1 in 9:00
8kg Double FRSQT for 10-10-8 reps in 6:00
10:00 of DBL 8kg C&P at 7 reps a minute [70% relative intensity of her 1:00 C&P max]
Oscar uniform tango
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