"You know why you and I are friends, even though other people dont get it? They all think its a service connection, but that's not it.
We are beasts pretending to be men. Some days we do better than others. One minute we are laughing, shaking hands and telling pleasant stories, the next we pee on some ones shit and demand they fight us over the last pork-chop. Instead of hating that, I say embrace it. Be the best man you can, and never try to hide the beast. We will talk more when you arrive"
You're my hero for doing it. I love you brother.All of these words are direct quotes from people who have affected me greatly over the last 6 years. Craig Sjostrom RKC 2004, RKC II told me to go to Vegas. Sh!tfaced drunk at 0230 and then snatching on a field in the desert 8 hours later, then on a plane and at a King of The Cage event at Soboba Casino 8 hours after that.
Yes, that is what really happened at the 1st National Kettlebell Convention, and that is the day i rolled up and posted 202 the one, and only time, i went 10:00 with a 24kg kettlebell.
We might as well be numb, he said.
Yesterday, 11 weeks to the day after ANOTHER WORD TO YOUR MOTHER hernia surgery, after about 6 weeks of consistent biofeedback testing and training hardly anything other than handstands, headstands, hanging knee raises, and Janda sit ups, i went for 10:00 with a 24kg.
Snatches test well, but not how you would think. If i slightly shrug my shoulder at the top, and 'unpack' the joint, they test well with ROM and grip strength in KG/psi. Yesterday, i went up Route 202. Got off two exits early. Bummer! [not really]
11 right, test + ROM
11 left, test + ROM
11R-11L, test + ROM
11R-11L, test negative ROM
17R-17L test negative ROM
20R-20L, test negative ROM
done, at 10:12
Why did i ignore the tests and keep going? Well, it was competition day. When you train calm and relaxed, it pays off on comp day/test day/rent-is-due-today-day.
I have not snatched for real since last 4th of July at Delaine Ross' Condition Gym in Atlanta [i love that gym]. I have, however, unpacked my shoulder and after 14 months of not moving with weight, after understanding that i should not pack two banged up shoulders [one side with a torn levator muscle and another with a scapula that has been forever altered], after testing and obeying tests, i went all out, balls out, donate your lunch, don't fall out, and today, i am in no pain at all.
Let me detail my recent history for those readers who aren't familiar wit my issues regarding pain and depression and irresponsibility and the cycling of those three elements that nearly defined and destroyed my career. Until i spoke with Adam Glass in March, i was in pain after every single training session from September 2008-April 2009. Then i stopped moving. I'm moving again.
Guess what? I am leading me. My system, my rules.
Next goal? I don't know. We'll see what happens in continuum with this amazing return to the dance floor.
And, if by any chance at all, You are reading this, i miss you. Every minute of every beautiful day on this Earth.
Ring it.
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