'Exit Wound'

40kg two handed swing. Barefoot, while watching the Flyers beat the Rangers.

5 reps, 7 reps, 8 reps, 10 reps, 20 reps, repeat for two series totaling 100 swings.
5 sets of 20 swings resting less than :30 between.
200 swings.
HR never climbed above 165BPM.

In sound physical condition, but I have gained weight since I moved back to PA.

I purchased organic hemp protein powder from Trader Joe's yesterday. I will be mixing this with what is left of my Soy Protein isolate and then I will move onto other forms of vegetable protein isolate. I am not a vegan, but I am phasing out leather and dairy.

I eat cage free organic eggs everyday.

My boy from the store gave me a data disk with over 100 songs written and performed by John Frusciante. I had no clue he had a solo career, nor did I have any idea of the vocal range he possessed. Dare I say I enjoy this man's work nearly as much as I enjoy the Chili Peppers.

CK-FMS round 2.5 is coming. It will be here in 11 weeks. I am excited to meet new people and review the revised training package.

Level II RKC is coming. I am scared. Though I have reached a higher rank than I ever thought possible in this system, I chose to attend the cert and meet the new requirements to prove that I am aas good as the troops. As strong as they need me to be, and willing to commit to the training required to call myself a Level II, thrice certified instructor.

I found a place to perform dead hang pull ups outside of Trader Joe's. There is a smoker's corner outside that I never visited before. Above this corner is a steel overhang. The ledge is akin to that of an I beam. I hang, with feet clear of the picnic bench by 5 inches, and perform finger tip dead hang chins. This is important to me as the night shifts I work involve more than 100 squats, deadlifts, cleans, and lunges, as well as repeated and prolonged periods of flexion involving the shoulders, elbows, and wrists.

Three sets of 5 dead hang pull ups every night, Fri Sat Sun Mon should help balance me out. When the weather breaks I will set up the TAPS unit in my driveway and have my way with it.

I apologize for the skeletal nature of this post. I am focused yet uninspired, with no desire to dress these topics up with my usual spicy verbage.

What I can tell you is that I am done waiting/looking/pining for a girl. Like Romeo, I fell in love with love, for a brief bit, and simply miss the feeling of coming home to someone. Crawling into bed with someone. Waking up to a beautiful face and then living a day with them. She'll come. She exists.

Tomorrow? Trail hike in my new sneakers.


  1. I am SOOO looking fwd to seeing you in 2 weeks!

  2. Will, have you tried this stuff?
    It fits the bill when I'm trying to avoid dairy and animals while getting as much good stuff as possible. The only downside is that it tastes like green peas and dirt.
