Tornado Jones

This is your workout. You lost the coin toss. Get scared, friend-o.

A: See Saw Push Up x 10 [1 rep = 1 push up for each side]
B: BW Deck Squat x 5L/5R [non-alternating, single leg descent-double leg return]
C: Heavy two handed swing x 10
Rest :45 between circuits, complete 5 circuits, mark time.

10 reps of each drill
D: Alternating KB Jerk ONE COUNT*
E: Tactical Lunge left
F: Tactical Lunge right
G: Pump (downward facing dog to Up Dog, stiff, straight arms).
Rest 1:00 between each run, completing 3 circuits.

Rotational Towel Swings, eyes closed [outdoors]
3 sets of 10/10 (counter and clockwise)

*One count cadences are used on bilateral drills where the eccentric portion of the e.g. right side repetition runs concurrent with the concentric portion of the alternate, or left side repetition. In regard to this style of alternating KB jerk, visualize if you must, how the following instructions may appear.

Clean and rack two kettlebells. Properly jerk one bell and secure it overhead [bell A].
As bell A returns to the rack and you dip with the same hip/knee/ankle flexion to receive the bell as you did to jerk it, use this portion to load up for the jerk of Bell B. This has also been referred to as Rapid Fire. Imagine both bells, in constant motion though always moving in opposite directions. As one bell drops from the overhead lockout and is met with a tight body moving away from the bell to cushion it, the other bell is loaded up with that same hip dip and ultimately jerked overhead. When performed correctly, and if the user has rhythm, sets of the one count alternating Yurk will have you tasting yesterdays breakfast. OOH RAH.

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