Main Line School Night
Session 2, lesson 4 of 5.

Single Leg Deadlifts, Get Ups, abdominal 'bracing' [breathing exercise], swings, pull ups, alternating military press.

SLDL- 1 kb, contra lateral, sets of 3 and 5.
Had the kids approach the bell with a suitcase deadlift negative, followed by extension of the free leg in the air behind them. From that position, they tightened up and pulled to a single leg lockout, from there, a set of 5.

Get Ups? 3 naked left and right. 3 each arm with a light bell. After two sets of SLDL, they hit a set of 2 each arm to develop a lat, to bridge the space between the shoulder and hip.

SWINGS: double swings for some, heavy one arm swings for most. On line, the class rotated between two squads of 8 bodies, from the swings to the pull up bar. Sets of 1 and 2 pull ups were fired off after four rounds of swinging.

Static Position Stepping Swings. You just had to be there for this one, I can't even put it in type, it was beautiful. 9 minutes of glorious glute-ification.

Alternating Military Press: The kids had never gone over the press, nor the clean, but with Getting Up a priority these days, they went from locked out to racked efficiently, and without catasrophe on the clean. So they drilled 3-4-5 as squads, and took two pulls on the chinning bar between Presses. To finish, they grabbed a set of 5 double military presses.

As I blog this, I am listening to the ultimate rainy day CD, 'Dirt' from Alice In Chains. From the city where rain became fame, AIC were the grunge metal premier. I have hauled "Frank"
Frank, my 32klg kettlebell.
up to my room and have been pressing him 1-2-3 times and then pulling for 5 on the TAPS rig out back. I slept most of the afternoon and woke up to a gorgeous, sunny 630pm. I rode 3 miles on my bike to the class, and when I emerged from the large intestine of Lower Merion High School the clouds had waged war upon us and there was a 45 minute thunder storm that made my ride home even more of a treat. So I'm pressing inside, pulling out, and letting the spring rain do it's thing. I hope you all had as groovy a holiday as mine.

Only to return,

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