Debrief abstract

Sunday 04052009
Mobility training

Tuesday 04072009
5k shuffle

Friday 04102009
32kg Press ladders to 5, twice.

Pull ups are hot right now.

I have averaged 3-5 sets of chinning variations every day at the Joe. Variations means alternating my grip. Previously I hung from the steel arch. Now, there is a pipe, roughly 1" in diameter, which I insert perpendicular to the double steel arches. The 'pavilion', or the smokers corner behind the store, is where I do my work. My grip strength is onboard, so stepping onto the top of a picninc table, and then reaching up to assume the bar, and hang with my feet over 48 inches clear of the curb, is not as dangerous as it looks. Soon there will be oven mitts and other means of toughening my grip in play. The reps all feel blessed upon my shoulders, and my elbows have not bothered me after 20 or more sets each week. When I began hitting many sets on my TAPS rig in September, my elbows bothered me within two weeks. The chins with a supinated, or 'palms in' grip, must balance out the straight pull ups. All reps are from a dead-hang, and I clear the bar to my collar bone 90% of the time. When I can't kiss the bar with my neck, I dismount. Only solid reps count, and only reps that count will get Daddy paid.
Sets of 8 reps with supinated grip and sets of 3-5 pronated have boosted my shifts at work and the muscularity of my arms, shoulders and back. Verily, 'tis chinning a bar that still defines my measure as a man after years removed from the Corps!

Injury: Downtime: Two bodywork sessions between Friday the tenth and today. Today I trained for the 1st time in 6 days.

Art Museum Stairs
Full stairs
20kg Double Kettlebell Jerk x 15 reps
DBL Jerk x 10
Suicide Stairs
DBL Jerk x 20

Snatch x 10 LR
Snatch x 10 RL
Suicide Stairs
DBL Clean and Press x 5

DBL Press x 5
Alternating Press x 10 each arm
Suicide Stairs
Snatch 10 RL

Gruesome workout. Lots of people staring and asking questions. The reality check of this workout is that Double overhead drills rather than high-rep swings are the perfect compliment to the Stairs. All 97 of them.

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