What is "tat", how can I get it, and where may I trade it for the other thing?

I'm at it again. In the last 72 hours I have consumed more calories than I had the entire week. And not only did I create a caloric abundance, but 70% of the caloric excess came from, and here we go (a Sierra Nevada and a shot of 1800 on Friday, 2 bowls of Edy's No Sugar Added ice cream, 2 soft pretzels, a 24 oz bag of mesquite BBQ flavored potato chips, a Starbucks iced coffee with soy milk [which was great but I did not need the soy milk], 3 sausage, egg, and cheese breakfast sandwiches, a hash brown, half of a bake at home cheese pizza which I peppered with fine ground Trader Joe's Sea Salt, a Butterfingers, a Kit-Kat, and lastly, the trigger that started it all, another 2 bowls of Edy's No Sugar Added Neapolitan Ice Cream). Need I mention that I feel like a disgusting swine right now? My goodness, I'm waiting on my new training partner to get here (last I heard his woman dragged him to a Steeplechase -Chester County, PA is horse country, lots of farms and horse events out here, and that is harsh since it is in the low 90's with high humidity today), grabbing handfuls of my belly fat to try and teach myself a lesson. And what I need to learn is this:

I can maintain the Warrior Diet for only 6 weeks at a time. The cycle of dietary misbehavior has completed itself once more, and I need to re-evaluate, re-constitute, and re-invest. The 3 "re's", or, "What I should have done along doggone time ago". When I begin the WD, I follow it diligently for quite a while. Snacking on whole/raw/fresh all day, eating big tasty meals at night, hydrating (I'm always well hydrated, save for now, BLECH), and making smelly waste deposits regularly. Then, I'll fudge out, and blow the diet one night, and the next day, I starve myself, drink triple Espresso and water all day, and then cave at night and take down 3000-500 Kcal of TOTAL SHIT, and the cycle of misbehavior is on. What's more, I will give myself reasons not to train for a few days. It is an all around bust, and though I have gotten much better at preventing the pattern and even recovering from it, I'm balls deep in it again, and this workout we're bound to better be my salvation.

"It's Memorial Day Weekend, Will, relax" says my inner fat kid, "You still look better than 50% of the people on Earth, just train hard and don't stress".

"Don't listen to that fat little bastard, drink water, pound coffee, and take some thermo-genics before you lift" quips the nutritionally challenged 18 year old Prom-Queen Runner Up who also resides in my dome, "You can burn it off, just have the discipline to starve yourself all day and run 10K after the Barbecue you have to go to. . .and oh Yeah, stay away from the keg. . .FATTY!"

"Brother, are you gonna take the advice of an overfed sugar fiend and a laxative popping aerobics Princess? Really, lift hard, eat a wee bit today, big fiber load at dinner, start fresh tomorrow. Sounds good eh?"

"Yes, often ignored voice of reason, it does. Do you have any chocolate flavored Laxatives?"

Big Will OUT.


  1. ah, can't wait for my wife to read THIS entry,lol. great honesty though.aint it aint the fallen down that gets you eh? its the not getting back up. you'll be fine big man.

  2. Brudda' I feel your pain. On top of my waxing and waining willpower I often have to cowtow to what my kids eat because half the time because money gets so short. There are few things as irritating as opening the fridge after a workout hungering for protien and finding Coco Puffs and fudge bars are the only things left. Damn I need to finish school.

  3. OMG, how stinkin refreshing to hear this kind of shit from a man! Right on! Although I could eat you under the table any night of the week...No Sugar added ice cream?...PUH-LEASE...but the extra salt on the pizza...yum!

    But seriously, I have the same experience with the Warrior Diet, it only works for so long and then smoething's gotta give. But when that "something" stops working, it's right back to the WD and then that works for a while and so the cycle of "figuring it out" keeps turning.

    All I gotta say is thank God for my KB training. Even after my "2000 calorie bake sale binges" I would go right into the gym, burping up cookies and rice krispy treats as I swing my ass off! I kinda use it as my "punishment" for blowing it, and I always feel better afterwards.

    Everyday is another opportunity to start over with food, but don't skip the workouts.

  4. This is fantastic to read from a man. You too have an inner anorexic cheerleader... I can relax now!

    I never tried WD, but I have the same issues with Atkins, I'm only disciplined for so long and then it's like "where's my pasta bitch?!"
