What they do. . .

Pavel is a fraud. Steve Cotter is a bitch for apologizing. What will the haters say next? That Will Williams is a teenage girl trapped in a man's body? While that may be true, the Forum is no place for it. I come from the City of Haterly Hate. I know what it is like to Boo people. I haven't watched more than 10 Flyers games this year out of sheer disgust. And now, I'm finding the DD Forum is place where the surly go to stir up trouble. Put the keyboard down, and slowly back away. And go lift weights, stretch, whatver.

Ok, I am psyched about Yoga. I took another class on wednesday eve, and I am way into it. During soem of the poses I could feel my body moving in directions that is has not in awhile. With ahistory of car accidents and neck problems, I NEED this type of stretching. I need to hold these poses for 60 seconds at a clip. I know that it will unwind my twisted and tight posterior chain and allow me to go where I have not gone in awhile. The windmill and bent press have been off limits for amost one full year now, and I can see them on the horizon. Most likely they are 3-6 months away, and I will have to start all over again with light weights and many days rest between, but that is OK. I have a lot of life left in my body and taking it slow is not a problem.

Thinking about putting a full on home gym in my garage. Treadmill, pin-selectorized machines, full cable station, lots of pretty equipment. yeah right. . .
What I want to do is rest my wrist, take soem yoga 2-3 times a week, and then have an O-Lift set in my garage by summer. Also, a flat bench would be nice. That is my new Pet Lift. Getting good at it too. Just widened out my grip by about 1.5 inches yesterday. I was pressing from a close grip, and started to creep my pinkies out towards the rings. Felt ok.

Alright, not the best post, but these thigns were on my mind. Oh yeah,if you are reading this and you have an Olympic Lifting set, let me know if I can get one for less than 1000.00 USD. I priced them online, and a bar/bumpers are not too expensive, but the platform is HUGE. I may just use the ol' tires and plywood idea from BB.

Peace and Presses,

1 comment:

  1. will, you dont need an expensive platform. two sheets of 3/4" plywood covered with some 1/2" rubber mats will work fine,if you have bumpers.

    oh and the yoga will unwind you. stick with it.
