I was not bothered by anyone today. Not a soul grabbed my attention while i was at the gym, which may be a great thing as the world i lived in for 100 minutes today was a violent world.
The most dangerous playlist i have made in recent memory:
Avenged Sevenfold "Critical Acclaim"
Sytstem of a Down"P.L.U.C.K"
Shadows Fall "To ashes"
ASSJACK "No regrets" note- i am wearing my new ASSJACK Shirt right now :0
System of a Down "X"
Slipknot "Me inside"
Pantera "Hellbound & Death rattle"
System of a Down "Know & Sugar" anyone who owns the first album should know that these songs must be played back to back, similar to Led Zeppelin's "Heartbreaker" and "Living Loving Maid"
And here is where it got lethal: Slayer/Ice-T "Disorder" from the Judgement Night movie soundtrack.
The Misfits "Devil's Whorehouse"
40 minutes of metal, fueling the nice upper body testing/training session i had. It made me want to smash windows, rip people's faces off, set fire to buildings, and pillage/plunder until my belly was full and the thirst for blood slaked. So nice i listened to it twice.
If i were a viking. . . .
. . . . this would be my trusted partner.
He appears friendly, and he is a big giver of love, but if he were trained to obey his instinct and kill me a boar for evening chow, he would not photograph so nice, eh?
Recently, great things have been happening in and around your host, Bigger Will.
-My client Doctor Bravo is smoking PRs like dry rubbed ribs every time she deadlifts or performs lat pull-downs and chest pressing.
-Presicion Kettlebells' Mike Barbato just squatted 290 with at least one more set in the bank, and deadlifed 435 last Tuesday. He weighs 197 lbs.
-Renee has lost over 100 lbs.
-Mike Rush USMC/MNPD has gained almost 23 pounds of muscle since April.
-I hit intensity Personal Records in my clean and jerk on Wednesday, and on my hang cleans this morning.
Details: Wednesday the barbell clean and jerk tested awesome so i moved around to see if it would test better. I took a stance with my hips rotated slightly out, my right foot staggered 2-3 inches back from my left, and my right hand slightly wider on the bar than before. The result?
135-145-155-165-175-185-195-205 for singles. 205 was my one rep maximum lift, or, the absolute most weight i could lift with no effort. And then. . .
210-215-220-225 for singles. Yes, a 15 pound increase in my one rep maximum strength with no effort. Or, a 7.3% increase.
Today? Your buddy Large Will performed all reps of the hang clean, with the same asymmetrical stance, at 88.5% relative intensity for 10 minutes. A Personal Record in reps performed at a higher intensity than previously known.
The plan?
Just consumed 8 eggs and two sausage links. 6 hours of sessions tonight at Kettlebells 4 U, Flyers Vs. Rangers tomorrow at 1300 hours, all my X-Mas shopping is done, and i am 140 pages into Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian. If i am half the beast he is, you should fear me.
Just kidding! Go make it a great weekend.
Will, you're cleaning in a staggered stance with the barbell? Do you have video? (I'm curious about the hip mechanics).
ReplyDeleteStandby for video.
ReplyDeleteI had an inguinal hernia repaired surgically in April. I am not thrilled about the result, and with this new imbalance, i am training FROM asymmetrical TOWARDS symmetry. Testing many things with variances in left & right, top & bottom positions with hands/shoulders and feet/hips.
Ahh, that makes sense then!
ReplyDelete(I don't know why this took me a month to find again)