two day debrief

Wednesday 3_25_09

Walk/jog 1 mile to the track, on my way there I hit pull ups in two separate parks, using a variety of grip positions.

My high school's pleasant, well lit, and rubberized track. I rock body-weight drills behind the straightaway starting line.

10 Squat Thrusts, 1/2 lap
10 squat thrusts, 1/2 lap
Rest :45
10 SQTH + push ups, 1/2 lap,
10 SQTH + push ups, 1/2 lap,
Rest :45
10 rolling deck squats, 1/2 lap,
10 rolling deck squats, 1/2 lap.
Rest :30
1 full 400m lap.
Walk 1 mile home.

Tuesday 3_24_09 'Graduation'
Main Line School Night 5 week session completion package. Phil Scarito made the students grab heavy bells. As a co-instructor, I joined the kids.

x 5 jerks RL [Students pressed]
x 20 swings, x 10 swings LR, x 10 swings RL
All swing sets alternated with five 24kg presses each arm.

x Get Up Ladder 1RL_2RL_3RL.

x 30 swings.

Pull Ups, forever tactical. 3 sets of 3-5 reps.

1 comment:

  1. Best graduation since MCRD PI. Thanks Will. Laminate it and take it to the field.
