Today's brutally tough workout is brought to you courtesy of Starbucks, and by The Cure's 1989 album Disintegration, which I have been listening to since, well, 1989. The two go great together!
Mission Essential Gear
1 Russian Kettlebell, a Pull Up bar tall enough that you can hang fully extended from it, flat shoes or barefoot!
Pick one pull up variation and apply it for the duration: Close grip, wide grip, palms parallel to each other, or a jumping pull up.
Pull Up + Hanging Knee Raise x 3 sets of 3-5, resting 1:00 between [e.g. one pull up, one HKR, repeat for 3-5]
Staggered: [e.g. lunge, pull ups, rest :30, repeat]
Alternating Tactical Lunge x 3 sets of 10 each leg
Pull Up x 3 sets of 3
Alt. Tac. Lunge x :30, 2 Handed Hot Potato x :30, Pull Ups x :30, rest :30 ACTIVE, repeat for rounds in 10 minutes.
Hanging Knee raises 5 sets of 3 or 3 sets of 5, resting big between.
Follow these tips from Pavel for the Tactical Lunge:
Actively pull yourself down with your hip flexors
rather than yield to gravity. Use the enabling drill-
The KB knee lift. Put your foot inside a kettlebell’s
handle and lift the KB off the deck by pulling up
your knee. Place your hand on top of your thigh
and become aware of the working muscle, the
hip flexor.
If you have a bad back perform the drill lying
down: drag the kettlebell towards you.
Actively pull yourself down with the hip flexor of
the forward leg when stepping back.
Follow my tips for the hanging knee raise [HKR].
When hanging on the bar, before you yank yourself up to meet the rep standards, remember that you are performing a Hard Style HKR. You will not simply fold your hips and squeeze your abdomen. Here, you must generate tension, unreal tension, and squeeze the bar with your hands as hard as you squeeze your abdomen as you flex to complete the movement.
Your HKR Checklist:
Close grip, closer than your shoulder width.
Hanging fully extended, and tightened up, legs together, no momentum, no swinging.
SLOWLY and steadily, squeeze your whole body and round your back maximally, tighten the abs furtter and bring your knees as high as you may in a slow, controlled, SAFE fashion.
Imagine that, though your arms stay straight as you hang, you are pulling on the bar as you curl.
Keep a tight a grip and exhale MOST, but not all, of your air while raising the knees.
Keep the reps clean and the numbers low. Perfect practice brothers and sisters. . .