Debrief for Saturday and Sunday 8 & 9 February 2008.
Saturday 1600 Hours
Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts, Marina Del Rey, CA.
Kettlebells for Ultimate Conditioning Workshop
Conducted by Instructors Williams and Garfield
9 in attendance, all with less than a month's kettlebell experience combined, save for a Crossfit devotee who had previously performed pulls paired with presses. Yeah.
1600-1615 Academician Amosov and Steve Maxwell's lovechild was loosed for our Joint Mobility. All reps in ten scheme unless noted otherwise.
-3 Plane Neck
-Shoulder circumduction
-Max Amplitude arm circles
-Max Amplitude torso rotations with arms at 180 degrees
-Good Morning x 2 sets of 5
-Standing Single Leg airborne circles x 5 reps in directions both counter and clockwise.
1615-1700 Instructor Garfield presents Kettlebell Pulls: From Zero to swing in 40 reps.
-Deadlift x 5
-Good Morning 2 of 5
-Deadlift x 2 of 5
-Good Morning x 5
-Live action swing 2 sets of 5 reps. Unleash hell.
-Two Handed Swing 4 sets of 10
-KB High Pull x 3 sets of 10
-Two Handed Hot Potato x 2 sets of :30
-Swing 1:00/High Pull :30/Hot Potato :30/Rest :45 [2 cycles]
BRUTALITY. I didn't think JG had it in him.
1700-1730 Instructor Williams presents Press Propaganda 138: Budgeting high tension techniques for pressing movements in High Rep.
-Squat [Breathing behind the shield, hip activation, depth, weight distribution, vertical shins, and crisp hip extension were all covered over 5 sets of 5 BW squats]
-Racking Bells [Safety Curl, Wrist/Elbow position, flared lats, wrist position, safety curl revisited, wrist position!]
-KB Front Squatting
-Budgeting breathing and tension to get SAFE high rep sets of KB Squats and Presses [single KB, e.g. 2 squats, 1 press, 3 squats, 2 presses]
1730-1735 recovery
1735-1752 Instructor Williams Conditioning Prac-App segment.
-At the request of the students this moment in time will not be revisited on this page [trauma victims]
1752-1800 Recovery
1800-1815 Instructor Garfield Conditioning Lab.
-At the request of the students this moment in time will not be revisited on this page [trauma victims]
1815-1830 Pumps, Safe back bending, intelligence gathering.
We knew the crowd was light on experience, and the final product reflected the influence of both our military training and the unwritten laws within the RKC guild that compel us all to reach for the internalization of strength training and use the toolbox to "condition" only after the Generally Issued Minimum has been nailed. In short, we took rookies and smoked them, while safely, into submission. Bodies once sprite with energy and vibe of life lay battered and discarded among the floors of the Academy. Smiles faded to winces and then devolved into grimaces upon application of the Two Handed Hot Potato, this instructors' drill of choice. We spared their lives only to prolong the suffering those unsuspecting peasants had been blanketed in. Upon exiting the facility, the prospect of training the same group again at a date not far off appeared promising.
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