To use this formula correctly you mut first determine your resting heart rate by taking your pulse just upon waking, for three mornigns in a row. You may not want to wait that long but I apologize, I do not care. Take your heart rate in the morning and it is spot on. Taken at night and it will mislead you. But read on. . .
take your pulse for 1 full minute. have the clock ready. No coffee. Add all of them together, and divide by 3, to get the average.
Let's say your average is 60 beats per minute.
(220) - (your age) = MaxHR
(MaxHR) - (resting heart rate) = HRR
(HRR) x (60% to 80%) = training range %
(training range %) + (resting heart rate) = (your target training zone)
220 - 35 = 185 (MaxHR)
185 - 60 = 125 (HRR)
125 x .6 = 75 (60% training percentage)
125 x .8 = 100 (80% training percentage)
75 + 60 = 135 (target training zone, in beats per minute)
100 + 60 = 160 (target training zone, in beats per minute)
So, your target training zone, in beats per minute is 135 to 160. Of course, to get a 15 second target simply divide each number by 4. That would be 34 to 40 beats over 15 seconds. When counting beats, start with the first beat as zero: ie. 0-1-2-3-4...38-39-40.
My calculations.
28 years old resting HR of 52 beats per minute.
220-28 = 192
192-52 resting heart rate = 140
140 x 65% (low end for activity) = 91 (high end) = 119
91+52= 143 beats per minute
119+52= 171 beats per minute
My training zone would be 140-170. If I were to use layman's math to estimate my anaerobic threshold, I would aim for my heart rate to top 180 BPM in various arenas and conditions. You will follow a similar set of guidelines to slim your naked parts for the next 5 weeks.. Step one is finding your true resting heart rate. That means you must wait until the next morning, and immediately after waking, find your pulse and count as many beats fall in 10 seconds. Multiply that # by SIX and you have a RHR. Leave a note for yourself so you remember to execute. Your RHR right now may not be accurate. Caffeine, stress, blah blah blah. . .
Your Resting heart rate will be used in the Karvonen Formula (above) to establish your training zone, consisting of Low End and High End numbers in beats per minute (BPM). Said numbers will then be set as goals to attain, with deviation, during training.
7 sets of drills using and undulating pattern of minutes and seconds with the drills summarily at your discretion.
Round One
Heart rate check after every set.
Set 1- :30 of pulling drill, rest :30
Set 2- :45 of pressing drill. rest :30
Set 3- 1:00 of pulling drill, rest :45
Set 4- 1:30 of pressing drill, rest :45
Set 5- 1:15 of pulling drill, rest :45
Set 6- 1:00 of pressing drill, rest :30
Set 7- :45 of static drill, done.
6:45 work, 3:45 rest.
Round two, maintain a heart rate in beats per minute which was the highest number from the previous round. Check HR after odd numbered sets.
Set 1- :45 press, rest :15
Set 2- 1:00 pull, rest :30
Set 3- :45 pull, rest :15
Set 4- 1:00 press, rest :30
Set 5- :45 press, rest :15
Set 6- 1:00 pull, :30 rest
Set 7- 1:15 pull, done.
6:30 work, 2:15 rest
Round three, maintain a heart rate equal to the highest total in round two.
Alpha- 3:00 of 6 varying stations, :30 each. (e.g. pull-ups, squats, jumps, etc.)
Bravo- 1:00 jump rope
Charlie- rest 1/3 total work time, repeat for three rotations.
Kettlebell Swings, High Pull variations., snatches, double kettlebell cleans
Evil Wheels, Full Contact Twists, rotational KB towel swings or tornado ball,
Pull-ups (all variations), bodyweight rows, Pullovers/chops
Push Ups, all forms, (elevated when modified), Squat thrusts, tiger bend push ups,
Kettlebell or barbell push-presses or jerks
Squat and Press (segregated), or Thruster (squat-to-press uninterrupted)
Box Jumps, or any short burst, repetitive jumping movement, to include
Explosive stationary lunges, lateral movement, etc.
Jane Doe
42 years old (and hot), resting heart rate of 60.
220-42 = 178
178-60 = 118
118 x 65% low end, x 85% high end = 77, 100
77+60= 137 low end
100+60= 160 high end
Training Zone 135-165
Round One Mission: Heart rate monitoring, Heart rate check after every set.
Set 1- :30 of swings, rest :30
Set 2- :45 of push ups,. rest :30
Set 3- 1:00 of Snatches, rest :45
Set 4- 1:30 of Squat Thrusts, rest :45
Set 5- 1:15 of Pull Ups, rest :45
Set 6- 1:00 of high pulls, rest :30
Set 7- :45 of Table-Top, done.
Round Two, maintain a heart rate in beats per minute which was the highest number from the previous round. Check HR after odd numbered sets.
Set 1- :45 double push presses, rest :15
Set 2- 1:00 1 leg dead lifts, rest :30
Set 3- :45 push ups, rest :15
Set 4- 1:00 double cleans, rest :30
Set 5- :45 Evil Wheels, rest :15
Set 6- 1:00 lunges, :30 rest
Set 7- 1:15 snatches, done.
Round Three, maintain a heart rate equal to the highest total in round two.
Alpha- 3:00 of 6 varying stations visiting each for:30.
(squat thrusts, push presses, evil wheels, lunges, pull ups, towel swings)
Bravo- 1:00 jump rope
Charlie- rest 1/3 total work time, repeat for three rotations.
Heart rate check after every set.
Use these training frames for two workouts every 5 days for the upcoming month. Rest at least 1 day between sessions. At the end of the 5 weeks, check your resting HR again in the waking moments of your day, and record it. Modify your training to further whatever goals you have then. Or pay me to do it for you. This was your holiday freebie.
Eat Your Words. . .

I tried to join the 700 club today. It didn't work for me. I bailed at 450 and felt great doing so in that just 48 hours ago my legs failed me completely. In an attempt to train for a 5Th straight day, with visions of 400m, 600m, and 1000m distances dancing in my head, my legs, victims of many body-weight lunges during MTW's training, were straight up UNAVAILABLE. The downhill shuffle/warm-up drills I picked were stellar, and if I hadn't felt so good at the start of this session I would not have felt so BAD at the end. When I got to the track, the 400m took the swing out of my Richard, and the 600m run robbed me of any hope fueling a 1000m time trial. I was clowned, on my home turf, on a relatively warm day, in an arena of empty seats. Somehow, that made the whole failure to launch harder to stomach. I forced myself to endure A 1400M uphill run/walk Guerrilla style on the way home, which allowed me to still pee standing up, like the male homo erectus I claim to be, though the aborted 1000m attempt would certainly spell otherwise. Today was different. I called Mike, who, as you know, is always down, and we went after 700. Stopping at 450 was the smart thing to do, as he is on his second week of Pavel's "Hot Wheels in 10 program" and my neck was just not up to 700 reps. Standby for debrief: My counts are not the same as my partner's
Pull Ups 3-7-5-5-5 (25 in 6:00)
Wailers 1 set of 70 non stop, in 6:30
Push Ups 10-10-10-10-10-10-5 (65 total for me, as Mike and I went 10 for 10 all the way up to the end, e.g. 10 myself, 10 Mike, repeat)
Snatches 20KG x 10R-10L-10R-10L-15R-15L (70, in 2:57, HR 175 BPM)
Squat Thrusts x 70 in the following fashion: Myself 1, Mike 1, all the way to 30, and then from 30-70 we went by 2's. This took 8 minutes, and amazingly my HR was above 170 the entire time. Our total time in was about 41:00, we knew jerks and anything else was asking quite much of ourselves, so we tackled the swing/HP with ferocity.
20KG Swing 10RL + 20 Two Handed Hot Potato in :53, HR 175 BPM, rest :45
20KG Swing 10RL + 20 Two Handed Hot Potato in :52, HR 175 BPM, rest :45
20KG Swing 10RL + 20 Two Handed Hot Potato in :55, HR 180 BPM, rest :45
20KG Swing 10R + 10 Two Handed Hot Potato, done. These rounds completed in 5:16
5 Pull Ups + 5 Push Ups, DONE.
Total Time 50:08
manly. . .
Recommended training protocols
2 weeks out from a 1,000 Rep Challenge:
Prep Workout 1
275 total reps, working with 25 reps of the following drills:
Squat Thrusts
Push Ups
Pull Ups
Hot Potato
Anchored Knee Raises
BW Lunges
Rest 7 Days
Workout 2
500 total reps of the following drills
100 Swings
100 two handed Hot Potato
(5 sets of 20 swings, 20 HP)
75 Push Ups (3 sets of 25 or 3 sets of 10 + 3 sets of 15)
75 Reverse BW Lunges
50 Jerks (TBD)
50 Squat Thrusts (TBD)
Rest 5 days
Workout 3
Game Day
2 weeks out from a 1,000 Rep Challenge:
Prep Workout 1
275 total reps, working with 25 reps of the following drills:
Squat Thrusts
Push Ups
Pull Ups
Hot Potato
Anchored Knee Raises
BW Lunges
Rest 7 Days
Workout 2
500 total reps of the following drills
100 Swings
100 two handed Hot Potato
(5 sets of 20 swings, 20 HP)
75 Push Ups (3 sets of 25 or 3 sets of 10 + 3 sets of 15)
75 Reverse BW Lunges
50 Jerks (TBD)
50 Squat Thrusts (TBD)
Rest 5 days
Workout 3
Game Day
Kettlebell Training promotes a healthy lifestyle
1100 hours Monday
Press 20KG
Alternate for 5 x 5 Dbl
2 sets x 8 RL
1 set x 8 dbl.
Renegade Row x 3 sets of 5 RL
Farmers Walk DBL 20kg
1:15, rest 2:00
Towel Grip 40 paces out and back x 2 sets, final HR 140 BPM.
The revelation: Yesterday's conversation between D Mc.Diesel, CD, and myself came at a moment shortly after I grabbed a handful of softening gluteal tissue and sent a chill up and down me backside. I had to get off the aerobic trip and go back to the days of Tyler Durden and Keyser Soze. It was time to scrape my body back into the squared circle. Diesel asked about activity that would get a lean-mass-minded individual to burn fat, and the three of us were off trading thoughts. Three RKCs flexing the mental and I was psyched about being there. With Diesel Dawn's questions and contributions plus the ensuing grammar that Carrie and I came out with,
I developed a new deal. Push the threshold, push the threshold, push the threshold.
I can get nasty with aerobics on guts if the day comes to it.
The Call:
Sprints and Farmer's walks to replace runs of more than 2.5 miles, or 1,000M. Given Thursday night's revelation, Part 1, I had to include the 1,000M into any outline for the future months' training.
1,000M Run performed 1-2 times a week, as either the 10 laps organic to a Man Maker or as a 1,000M burst.
High Rep push ups and high volume doses of Pull Ups will continue.
Double KB work is within reach as a training staple for a pair of 16KG and soon 20KGs.
The physical residue of riding my commuter bicycle has been factored in and lots of down dogs, hip stretches, and extension work will stave off any traveler's wounds.
I hope.
Stay tuned for new vids based around songs I have always wanted to set motion to. View vids through here:
PM Session
1610 Hours, in my living room, aiming for a heart rate over 160 from swings. Here is what I came up with:
Swing 24kg x 3 sets of 10RL 32kg x 2 sets of 10RL
[HR never went beyond 145 BPM until I cranked out]
Snatch 24kg x 10RL HR 145+, rest 2:30
Alternating Tactical Lunge BW x 2 sets of 25 in under 2:00 both times, resting :30 between the sets.
Press 20KG
Alternate for 5 x 5 Dbl
2 sets x 8 RL
1 set x 8 dbl.
Renegade Row x 3 sets of 5 RL
Farmers Walk DBL 20kg
1:15, rest 2:00
Towel Grip 40 paces out and back x 2 sets, final HR 140 BPM.
The revelation: Yesterday's conversation between D Mc.Diesel, CD, and myself came at a moment shortly after I grabbed a handful of softening gluteal tissue and sent a chill up and down me backside. I had to get off the aerobic trip and go back to the days of Tyler Durden and Keyser Soze. It was time to scrape my body back into the squared circle. Diesel asked about activity that would get a lean-mass-minded individual to burn fat, and the three of us were off trading thoughts. Three RKCs flexing the mental and I was psyched about being there. With Diesel Dawn's questions and contributions plus the ensuing grammar that Carrie and I came out with,
I developed a new deal. Push the threshold, push the threshold, push the threshold.
I can get nasty with aerobics on guts if the day comes to it.
The Call:
Sprints and Farmer's walks to replace runs of more than 2.5 miles, or 1,000M. Given Thursday night's revelation, Part 1, I had to include the 1,000M into any outline for the future months' training.
1,000M Run performed 1-2 times a week, as either the 10 laps organic to a Man Maker or as a 1,000M burst.
High Rep push ups and high volume doses of Pull Ups will continue.
Double KB work is within reach as a training staple for a pair of 16KG and soon 20KGs.
The physical residue of riding my commuter bicycle has been factored in and lots of down dogs, hip stretches, and extension work will stave off any traveler's wounds.
I hope.
Stay tuned for new vids based around songs I have always wanted to set motion to. View vids through here:
PM Session
1610 Hours, in my living room, aiming for a heart rate over 160 from swings. Here is what I came up with:
Swing 24kg x 3 sets of 10RL 32kg x 2 sets of 10RL
[HR never went beyond 145 BPM until I cranked out]
Snatch 24kg x 10RL HR 145+, rest 2:30
Alternating Tactical Lunge BW x 2 sets of 25 in under 2:00 both times, resting :30 between the sets.
Beginning at 1100 hours. Set of Push Ups every 20:00. First five sets backed by variations of 20 swings.
10 sets total, 10-12-14-16-18-20-22-24-26-28 total of 190. Strong.
Later that day. . .
While I continue to clean my house, let me tell you something that I discovered today. Peet's Coffee and Silk Coffee Creamer is the ultimate breakfast. Peets may also be twice brewed. I just ran 50ml of water through the spinal remains of this morning's fresh ground batch, and the re-hash was clutch. Another dose of dalliance after having snatched my self up onto a shelf.
Beginning at 1930 hours.
20 reps every 20 minutes, with the watch on stand-by. The ghost of evil Russians past appeared in the darkest reaches of each set. I held the line. here are my field notes.
Set 1 24KG X 20 2 HANDED SWING
Set 2 32KG X 20 2 HANDED SWING
Set 3 32KG X 20 2 HANDED SWING
Set 4 24KG X 10L/10R
Set 5 32KG X 10L/10R
Set 6 20KG X 20 LEFT, HR 180 BPM
I got slippery and missed my cue.
An inadvertent 34:00 rest period was equalized by a set of RKC Required Snatches
Set 7 37R/37L HR 180 BPM and climbing
Set 8 24KG X 10L/10R IN :53, HR 160 BPM
Set 9 32KG X 10L/10R entering the atmosphere at a calm 28 degree tilt.
Soulfly is in my ear-piece, I marching toward inspection. Call you back after the 'fridge.
10 sets total, 10-12-14-16-18-20-22-24-26-28 total of 190. Strong.
Later that day. . .
While I continue to clean my house, let me tell you something that I discovered today. Peet's Coffee and Silk Coffee Creamer is the ultimate breakfast. Peets may also be twice brewed. I just ran 50ml of water through the spinal remains of this morning's fresh ground batch, and the re-hash was clutch. Another dose of dalliance after having snatched my self up onto a shelf.
Beginning at 1930 hours.
20 reps every 20 minutes, with the watch on stand-by. The ghost of evil Russians past appeared in the darkest reaches of each set. I held the line. here are my field notes.
Set 1 24KG X 20 2 HANDED SWING
Set 2 32KG X 20 2 HANDED SWING
Set 3 32KG X 20 2 HANDED SWING
Set 4 24KG X 10L/10R
Set 5 32KG X 10L/10R
Set 6 20KG X 20 LEFT, HR 180 BPM
I got slippery and missed my cue.
An inadvertent 34:00 rest period was equalized by a set of RKC Required Snatches
Set 7 37R/37L HR 180 BPM and climbing
Set 8 24KG X 10L/10R IN :53, HR 160 BPM
Set 9 32KG X 10L/10R entering the atmosphere at a calm 28 degree tilt.
Soulfly is in my ear-piece, I marching toward inspection. Call you back after the 'fridge.
My PC has a virus I will be off-line for several days following this post.
Saturday's workout
4.1 mile uphill bike ride (nasty)
5 sets of 10 double military press 16kg
Today's workout
Snatch 20kg
10l, 10r
15, 15r
25l, 25r
rested 1:30 between all sets
5 sets of 10 each arm, continuous, finished in 4:28
Run for 16:00
29 degrees and freezing rain.
Saturday's workout
4.1 mile uphill bike ride (nasty)
5 sets of 10 double military press 16kg
Today's workout
Snatch 20kg
10l, 10r
15, 15r
25l, 25r
rested 1:30 between all sets
5 sets of 10 each arm, continuous, finished in 4:28
Run for 16:00
29 degrees and freezing rain.
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