I tried to join the 700 club today. It didn't work for me. I bailed at 450 and felt great doing so in that just 48 hours ago my legs failed me completely. In an attempt to train for a 5Th straight day, with visions of 400m, 600m, and 1000m distances dancing in my head, my legs, victims of many body-weight lunges during MTW's training, were straight up UNAVAILABLE. The downhill shuffle/warm-up drills I picked were stellar, and if I hadn't felt so good at the start of this session I would not have felt so BAD at the end. When I got to the track, the 400m took the swing out of my Richard, and the 600m run robbed me of any hope fueling a 1000m time trial. I was clowned, on my home turf, on a relatively warm day, in an arena of empty seats. Somehow, that made the whole failure to launch harder to stomach. I forced myself to endure A 1400M uphill run/walk Guerrilla style on the way home, which allowed me to still pee standing up, like the male homo erectus I claim to be, though the aborted 1000m attempt would certainly spell otherwise. Today was different. I called Mike, who, as you know, is always down, and we went after 700. Stopping at 450 was the smart thing to do, as he is on his second week of Pavel's "Hot Wheels in 10 program" and my neck was just not up to 700 reps. Standby for debrief: My counts are not the same as my partner's
Pull Ups 3-7-5-5-5 (25 in 6:00)
Wailers 1 set of 70 non stop, in 6:30
Push Ups 10-10-10-10-10-10-5 (65 total for me, as Mike and I went 10 for 10 all the way up to the end, e.g. 10 myself, 10 Mike, repeat)
Snatches 20KG x 10R-10L-10R-10L-15R-15L (70, in 2:57, HR 175 BPM)
Squat Thrusts x 70 in the following fashion: Myself 1, Mike 1, all the way to 30, and then from 30-70 we went by 2's. This took 8 minutes, and amazingly my HR was above 170 the entire time. Our total time in was about 41:00, we knew jerks and anything else was asking quite much of ourselves, so we tackled the swing/HP with ferocity.
20KG Swing 10RL + 20 Two Handed Hot Potato in :53, HR 175 BPM, rest :45
20KG Swing 10RL + 20 Two Handed Hot Potato in :52, HR 175 BPM, rest :45
20KG Swing 10RL + 20 Two Handed Hot Potato in :55, HR 180 BPM, rest :45
20KG Swing 10R + 10 Two Handed Hot Potato, done. These rounds completed in 5:16
5 Pull Ups + 5 Push Ups, DONE.
Total Time 50:08
manly. . .
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