It's good to be on top of the world.
Check out these last few workouts.
1030 Saturday 070929, with the Advanced S&C Class
Pull Ups 1,2,3,1,2,3
Swing x 50
Run 400m
Swing x 10
Run x 400m
Press x 5 LR
Swing x 20
Run x 400m
Press x 7 LR
Swing x 30
Run x 400m
Press x 9 double
Swing x 40
Run x 400m
Press x 15 see-saw
Swing x 50
Run x 400m
Press x 5 alternating
And then last night, real late, in my living room. I feel awesome.
Pump x 5
Press 32kg x 1 x 1 40kg x 1
Swing 32kg x 10
Resting :45 between all sets listed below, sets also staggered.
Swing 32 x 5 40 x 5 x5 x5 x5 x5
Press 40 x 1LR 32 x 1 x1 x1 1x x1
rest 2:00
Swing 40kg x 5 of 10 followed by 5-10 push ups, resting :45 between
Jog 1 mile at 9:15. Stretch, ate a tuna salad sandwich. Life is good. Just had four eggs, 2 slices sodium free whole wheat bread a big coffee for morning chow. Errrrrrrr Marine Corps.