Fueling: Reveille 0930
2 cups hot water spiked with 1 fresh squeezed lemon
Joint Mobility, Starbucks Triple Espresso, 16oz ice water
1300 post workout
2 scoops Met-rx Vanilla whey
240ml Organic Whole Milk
8 Blackberries
Shake and yum.
At work, 1800 Hours
3 mejool dates
1 date rolled in coconut
Massive bag of baby spinach with 3oz EVOO, 40z Parmesan cheese, garlic powder
It is Midnight and I would love to crash out, but I have to make another deposit. I am feeling a serving of grapes liquidity and a dicing of baby bok choi. . .
When I passed through Philly, people were shocked that I had shed pounds in what seemed like a very short time. Folks from the RKC hadn't seen the hard but squishy placed 285 I toted around just before and after the New year. I put on that weight after getting to 265 lean, successfully, and then shifted my focus to aerobic bullshit like running and LONG bouts of jump rope. I attempted to re-enlist in the USMC on active duty and was stonewalled by regulations regarding tattoos and BMI. When I aborted the attempt, I rested my bones from training for the final month in PA and went ape on 6 packs of Sierra Nevada and Italian Hoagies. EC Where you at? So when I got to CA, I was ready to shed pounds. After my 29th celebration of me exiting my mother, I took it upon myself to no longer voluntarily support the cattle or poultry industries, as a measure of civic responsibility borne from personal desires to be listed hereafter.
To lose a significant enough measure of body weight, including muscle if the case declares, as well as fat, to where my joints are not threatened by the load they support.
To set a goal for myself, and achieve an outcome that grants personal satisfaction as well as contributing energy into something greater than I, and scratching the itch for 'the team atmosphere' I so badly need.
Also, to step from one change to the next and function with the gears motivated by responsibility, and orientated towards my goals. E.g. giving up carbonated beverages, and on to bigger things like the protection of the animals I've lived off of for a time. But in all honesty, I do subscribe to the theory that man sits atop the food chain, and can be omnivorous, I merely do not trust the White Man who sits atop a pile of carcasses beating a war drum and killing with impunity. Soapbox break.
I have to get this weight off so I can live long and not be a busted up 270lb. 38 year old. I, for the longest time, encouraged by the opinions of professionals and friends alike, thought I was a tall, endomorphic guy with mesomorphic tendencies. Meaning I can put on fat and muscle to my frame's desire. Who knows if that triage of body types has merit, but since I have leaned out to below 245 in the last 18 weeks, the argument that I may have grown up, under radically different circumstances, to be a tall skinny guy, stands it's ground.
If my folks hadn't raised us on highly processed EVERYTHING [they knew no better, I harbor no grudge], and my teen years were not spent hoovering sugar and playing music and drawing comic books, I may have been a 200 lb. 6'3. Think about it. All of my dad's brothers are over 6'2, and they all had a Tim Duncan type build. My brother, who is 5 years younger, and weighs 155 lbs at 5'11 [weird] is cut up like Tyler Durden, and sustains his frame with dollar store cola and frozen _________. So if I had ran track, or played lacrosse from my earliest age, not at age 15 to be on a team and make my sweetheart respond, I really no sh*t could have been a tall svelte comrade. Then again, it was my need to physically metamorphizoided that linked me to a USMC recruiter's office at age 18. . .
Down the road I would like to be a leaner cut of myself in nearly every way. If I can hack bad behavior out of my eating mechanisms and my brain housing group, the solitary thing I will allow to expand will be my scope, my vision, my soul. I must be the change I want to see in this world. And we're already facing the same direction. Step it out.
Whats up Brother Will, I have seemed to lost you. Send me or post for me your new blog link. I found you the roundabout way and I want your blessing to relink you. I love your writing and experience man, so real, so honest!
It's all you cat. I need to get up north and do the RKC and wine country store. Swing by Palo Alto, Humboldt, Mendocino. . .
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