I went for another Man Maker today around 0930. If you heard a loud sucking noise at that time it was I, on the track, struggling to survive. This workout was interrupted twice and it was my fault both times.
I set out for a Snatch based MM and when I got to the track, it was cold and windy. Really windy. So I performed my mobility drills, hammered out 25 snatches each arm with a 16kg, and when I set out to hit my first lap, the wind picked up hard core. So I went back to my house (only .5 mile away) and picked up some gloves and my face warmer. I forgot that high rep snatching in cold weather gloves is a total goat rope, so I defaulted to a Spec Ops Man Maker. I set out for 8 laps and seven sets of drills, and what I got was bust.
Lap 1 2:13 10 Push Ups, 10 swings each arm
Lap 2 2:05 15 Push Ups, 15 swings each arm
Lap 3 2:10 20 Push Ups, 20 swings each arm
Lap 4 1:51, followed by 1:30 rest
Lap 5 1:56 10 Push Ups, 10 swings each arm
Lap 6 2:03 15 Push Ups, 15 swings each arm
And then I crapped out. I ran a 5k yesterday and when I was through with round 6 I was feeling yesterday's run. Feeling it everywhere. My lungs were searing and I could feel my hammies getting tight like piano wires. It was one of those moments where I said to myself "Push it, PUSH IT!" in the voice of fictional television character Detective Elliot Stabler, yet then my inner Pavel voiced it's concern "Comrade, be fresh for tomorrow's workout. Do not be afraid to call it early". And with those two voices dueling in my ears I finished the final lap, and then cooled down. And it may have been a good idea. As I am amending this post here the morning after at 0610, my neck and back are a wee bit too tight to lift right now. Mobility yes but a lift, no. Maybe some aerobics? Maybe an On Demand pilates workout? My inner Pavelian just lit a torch and is about to lynch my inner cheerleader.
Refer to Magnum PI and listen to the that 'little voice' inside your head. A great lesson from a great 80's TV show. That is a brutal workout man, and a great story to boot