Wed. 070808
For those of you who do not know me The Misfits are my all time favorite band. I just picked up the boxed set today. I had downloaded from an illegal website and it was real good quality, but today I got a call from the guy at this local new/used record store that he had received a copy he ordered just for Willy. Four discs, over 100 songs. My goodness man, it's been a 'Fits fest all day! Never tire of the 'Fits. Also, I make a long time since bloggings, now I come to from recent news, and make new postings. I could talk all about how I want to erase the last two Saturdays from memory, and how I have been really disciplined in avoiding eating out the last two weeks, but this post, like others when I am short on time, will cover my last few awesome workouts!
Thursday 070809 REST
Wednesday 070808 1015 hours Elite Athletic Club
Joint Mobility for a full 15 minutes included HALOS x 3, Pump x 7 (the new Willy Style pump, we'll talk about that later), and one Get Up each arm with a 32kg and 40kg bell. Moved around, racked the bar, bought a Gatorade, shook my legs out, just got ready.
Bench 160 x 5 205 x 8 215 x 8 220 x 8 220 x 8 resting 3:00 between all sets.
Stiff Leg Deadlift 185 x 8 rest 2:00
Deadlift 225 x 2 sets of 8 reps with wide grip and flexed wrists on the pull. Rest 2:30 between sets.
1 Arm rows 32kg x 3 sets of 8 L,R with 2:00 rest between.
Tuesday 070807 1730 hours Narberth Ball Park
24kg snatches x 5 sets of 15 each arm rest 1:00 between.
Monday 070806 rest, my Mom's 49Th birthday (no cake or ice cream was consumed by this man), and it was also my 2 year anniversary with Sarah. YAAAY (Kermit the frog style).
Saturday 070804 0815 hours Elite Athletic Club West Chester PA: Sexy Cardio
Swing 24kg x 10 each arm rest 1:00 Get UP 32kg x 1LR rest 1:00
Snatches 24kg x 10 RL rest 1:40 x 10 RL rest 1:30 (four sets with this rest interval)
Snatches 24kg x 10 RL rest 1:00 (five sets with this rest interval)
So I did 200 snatches yaaay!
For fun: Bench Press 205 x 2 set sof 8 wide grip rest 2:00
Flat DB Press 75 lbs. each arm x 10 reps.
Thursday 070802 and Friday 070803 I rested, though after watching "The Bourne Ultimatum" with my boy Hollywood I most certainly wanted to train. Instead I went home and ate a mad bushel of broccoli rabe.
Wednesday 070801 1928 hours:
Military Press 135 x 8 rest 2:00 135 x 8 rest 2:00 Clean and press 135 x 8 rest 2:00
Asymmetrical 2 KB Front Squat 40/32kg x 2 sets of 8
Barbell Squat 2 165 x 8 rest 3:00 185 x 2 sets of 8 rest 3:00
Skull Crushers (EZ bar) 75 x 8 80 x 2 sets of 8 resting 1:30 between.
Monday 070730 1710 hours (Joint Mobility) Elite Athletic Club, West Chester PA.
HALO x 5 with 25lb. plate PUMP x 5 real sexy slow Calf stretches for 2 sets. Windmill 24kg x 3 sets of 1 rep L,R resting 1:30 between. Pullover stretch and shoulder dislocates with bungee cord, 3 of 3 reps.
1830 hours, after teaching Introductory kettlebell class.
Deadlift 225lbs. x 2 sets of 8 reps, resting 3:00 between. 240lbs. x 2 sets of 8 reps resting 3:00 between.
Clean and press (long cycle?) 135 lbs. x 3 sets of 8 reps, resting 2:00 between. Awesome feeling.
It HAS been a while since the last post. Good man purchasing the music. Support the bands you like. Buy there stuff. Looking forward to the next post. Would I get a beating if i said I never herd a Misfits song yet? Oh Boy, I think i might be in trouble now.
ReplyDeleteAwwwwh... Happy anniversary :)
ReplyDeleteand broccoli rabe is the shizzle.