This is Maynard James Keenan. This photo was taken somewhere between 1992 and 1994 I would guess.
Today is Monday, which is MY Sunday. And i got up early, had a wonderful morning with my lady, and had a very small breakfast. As she's going out the door, Snar says "Hey you're going to see TOOL tonight, right?" I had completely forgotten. How could I forget! I just spoke about it last night at around 2200 hours. I was anticipating waking up and that subject being the first thing on my mind. Instead all I could think about was what to mix with my protein powder. Water or fat free moo? Blueberries or strawberries? And then within 20 minutes, my attention shifted to a more important matter: What TOOL songs would I put on the playlist that was going to accommodate/fuel my AM weightlifting session. Here is how it went down. I put these songs on a playlist, and then burned it to CD. Sweat, Jambi, Jimmy, Hooker With A Penis (actual title of song), Vicarious, The Grudge, Right In Two, Bottom, Ticks & Leeches, Pushit (live).
I loaded up the little rascal in Mobile One and headed out for a quick round of errands. Vet's office for records transfer-complete. Post office to mail MLK T-Shirt to friend in Indiana-complete, drop off newly burned TOOL CD at my boy'
s living quarters to get him fired up for the show-complete. And here is fun nugget for you: He and I have only been to one concert together, and that was NIN last summer. And what did we listen to on the way down there? TOOL's "10,000 Days" (the title of my first ever blog post here in the 'sphere). Ahhh, the circle of life. It goes round and round.
So I just hammered out a good lift, and I will post it over on the MLK Official Blog.
I will return tomorrow with tales of TOOL, and what emotional impact the show had on me.
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