Just returned from taking my wee mate for a stroll. I love Jack Russell Terriers. With regard to the notoriety they carry for being high strung and demanding a lot of attention, it's all true. However, our Dog is a highly intuitive and ferociously athletic lil' character. Today we made our way north to the main road, and joined a procession of fellow village dwellers bent on absorbing every moment of the Malvern Memorial Parade. Bagpipes and middle school marching bands bookended a formation colored by former POWs, firefighters, Shriner's (in adorable little vintage auto replicas), Vice Admiral Joe Sestak (USN Ret.), our congressman in PA's 7th district, and the highest ranking military officer to serve in Congress. The dog and I ran into many a Malvernite, and even a few groups from nearby towns who trekked both east and west to fill their souls with hope and even answer a call from a time when popcorn and parades shared the days with simplicity and wonder.
This morning I followed through on a pledge I tried NOT to make last night. In an attempt to reconstitute my training, the future holds multiple destinations and excursions. I want to travel around the states and beyond partaking in challenges of all sorts. Maybe a hike maybe an arm wrestling tourney in Spokane, I do not care. I feel that I MUST satisfy my wander lust with jaunts to ne'er before seen towns and cities I'm unfamiliar with.
So, my pitch to Sarah sounded something like: I should do 100 swings every morning, first thing, regardless of time/temperature, every day for the rest of the month. Using a 40kg, which is the weight someone of my body weight should be training with.
This morning, I made good. Bob the Irish Bartender told me I would get "Mad, like a donkey" if I had another diet coke. This morning, I mule kicked that 40kg into high gear for 5 sets of 20. One arm and transfer. A few pull ups, a get up, and some high knees wrapped it up. I was happy to have followed through with that. 100 swings a day until June 30. I'm attending the Level Two training in St. Paul in three weeks. But darn it all if I can't just catch an early shuttle and hammer them out prior to the start of the training day.
Yesterday I taught three kettlebell classes in the AM. Linked blogger Christine came in for an AM KB jam. Attended an extremely well executed wedding reception in the ball room of one of Conshohocken's finest establishments. The Great American Pub they call it. This place won't even reach full capacity if you had 700 adult humans distributed evenly. yesterday also saw a short smoker led by Yours at the 1030 Advanced S&C Class. Renegade Rows staggered with DBL FR SQTS. A pair of 32s. Wheels and 40kg Swings staggered at 3+10, 4+10, 5+15 and back down to the bottom rung. Monkey Bar chins, parallel grip and standard pronated. Good training gets me wantin' some more. Always.
And, to conclude this update I'll briefly describe how my dog's penchant for tormenting other dogs just lifted me out of my chair in mid keystroke. The wee rascal was sniffing around the open, but doggie gated back door of the neighboring house. Causing a loud but non-irritating yip from the restrained dogs he was, essentially, flipping off.
Tomorrow AM smells like a Mad Donkey Man Maker, or, 40kg swing x 25+ i Lap, in under 2:00 x 4.
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