When I met Will Williams about a year ago, I was training for my RKC. I had begun kettlebell training only a short while before. My first encounter with Will was at an entry level kettlebell class, he was assisting and providing guidance. I remember we were performing a double bell C&P drill and Will asked how long I had been training. My response was only 2 months. The next time I saw Will, he was my team leader at the RKC, 5 months later. The intimidation of being tested and challenged by a senior level instructor was enough to push me beyond limits I didn't even know I had! Will saw a potential in me and was gracious enough to grant me the license to drive! Little did I know this experience would change my life forever.
I didn't realize that that fortunate coincidence would lead me to the goals that I have achieved now. I knew there was a reason he was an expert in the field. I decided to take advantage of my good fortune and began twice a week training with him.
After an evaluation of my abilities and an FMS screening, he immediately put together a master-minded program to improve my body composition and strength. Within 2 months, I lost an overall 8 inches and a dress size! Things have only gotten better from there. Since that time, we've begun a stair-running regimen at the Art Museum that would put any athlete to shame! We've run through multiple pressing and squatting routines, improved my get-up, single-leg deadlift and FMS scores. The application of rolling patterns and testing for smart training for injury prevention provides consistent feedback for improvement. There's perpetual pull-up training. The implementation of PR Zones provides concrete evidence of forward progress. With Will, you don't just have a workout session, it's more like an exercise in humility and a reflection of your commitment to the cause.
In my quest for improving my physical well-being (that which carries the implication of the improvement of your mental well-being), I've evolved from step-aerobics and bicep pumps to kettlebells, running and a commitment to healthy eating. If anyone would have asked me 5 years ago if I would participate in a sprint triathlon, I would have thought I would see pigs fly first! The improvements that I have seen in myself as a result of Will's instruction has given me the motivation and the confidence to do the things I once thought impossible!!
If you don't already have the fortune of training with Will.....do yourself the favor. Find your limits and exceed them!!!
Nurse Alpha
Before i leave for the Tactical Athlete Instructor Course hosted by Jeff Martone in Knoxville, TN, it is important that my clients view their most recent PR Zones and have a clear understanding of calculating your totals, while i am gone. Jimmy The Intern will be able to help you as well, he may be reached at Kettlebells 4 U in Paoli, PA during the week of June28th to July 2nd. KB4U 610-647-4956
We'll use the Gutch Monster's 0600 session from today as an example. He tested well for 1 arm military presses with a KB and double KB sumo deadlifts. Only Dragon Door kettlebells are used in the making of these zones.
15:00 PR zone for paired exercises
Double 12kg-16kg KB Sumo deadlift 16-20kg KB press
start time | weight + reps | end | load | start | weight/reps | end | load |
00:00 | 53lbs + 5 | :10 | 265 | :20 | 35lbs. + 3rl | :45 | 210 |
:55 | 53 + 8 | 1:25 | 424 | 2:30 | 35 + 6rl | 3:15 | 420 |
4:00 | 53 + 8 | 4:30 | 424 | 5:00 | 35 + 7r 6l | 5:40 | 455 |
7:15 | 53 + 6 | 7:35 | 318 | 8:45 | 35 + 7r 6l | 9:35 | 455 |
11:10 | 70 + 8 | 11:40 | 560 | 13:00 | 44 + 3rl | 13:30 | 264 |
14:20 | 70 + 6 | 14:45 | 420 | ||||
Total reps & sets = 41 & 6, average rep in lbs. = tonnage/reps = 59lbs.
Volume = Tonnage 1,804
Total reps & sets = 27 right, 25 left, average rep in lbs. = 35 lbs.
Intensity = % of 1 rep max [176 lb two KB deadlift is his 1RM] 30-40% Intensity [his back got tired, he played a hockey game last night and was up until 0400, and our session was at 0600. He's committed!
Intensity = % of 1 rep max [62 lb. bell is his 1RM] 35lbs. = 55%, 44 lbs. = 72%
Total Time = 14:45 or 14.75 Work time = 2:25
Work time = 3:10
Both work times = 5:35 or 5.58
Total time divided by work = X
100% divided by X = % Density, or, what % of the PR Zone was actual work.
14.75/5.58 = 2.64
100/2.64 = 37.8% Density
When recording your work times, round to 0 or 5 with regard to seconds, as it will likely be easier for you and not exactly cheating. Also, when totaling your work time, you should do the math without a calculator, as calculators total at 100, and minutes end at 60.
When dividing Total Time by Work, do not divide the actual times, take the seconds and convert them into a % of the minute.
e.g. 14:45 = 14.75, etc.
This may seem like an extraordinary amount of work but if you choose to train for the rest of your life, long after you and i have moved on, this is an important formula for you to grip. Also, not every workout is a PR Zone [http://www.staleytraining.com], anytime you like, you may scrap the zone and just work on a movement that tested well. Test frequently and change your position [hand, feet, rotation, etc.] in order to improve the movement. If it tests well, train it. If it does not test well, adjust, retest, and obey. Just record your total time, weight + reps, and you will be able to calculate volume, intensity, and density.
I am beyond busy. No time to post the actual numbers, but Neighbor Bob set 4 PRs this morning.
15:00 PR ZONE for 21.5" elevated push ups and body weight lunges
Push Up Volume, average rep per set, Lunge volume, and total density [36.36%]
Tactical Athlete Instructor Course next week! More to come. . .
15:00 PR ZONE for 21.5" elevated push ups and body weight lunges
Push Up Volume, average rep per set, Lunge volume, and total density [36.36%]
Tactical Athlete Instructor Course next week! More to come. . .
Doctor Bravo
On a Wednesday in a summer she went off. Like California wildfire ripping through Kettlebells 4 U. Her husband, a Certified Master Spinner who is built [and strong] like a power lifter, would have been blown away. Before we even hit the PR ZONE [modified Staley protocol], she hit a PR. She performed one completely un-spotted chin up. Ferocious!
15:00 PR zone for paired exercises barbell military press & sumo dead lfit
Volume = Total loads 1195 lbs Volume = Total loads 3760 PR
Intensity = % of 1 rep max 86-100% PR Intensity = % of 1 rep max 71-91% PR
Density = Total Time 15:00
Work time 5:08
Rest time 9:52
Total time divided by work = Density %31 PR
Personal Records for Doctor Bravo and [previous numbers]
-Press intensity [previous 80-100%], we now know that her 1RM military press has changed, that will estimated after next week.
-Average lbs./reps 63 lbs. [48 lbs.]
-Density [previous for this session was 20%]
Deadlift PR
-Volume [3683 lbs.]
-Average rep today 134 lbs. [122 lbs.]
This was also a landmark day in my career. A surgeon from India who we'll call Rambodoc of the Dragon Door Foum flew 10,000 miles to A. See his family B. Take my HKC in NYC C. Train with me at Kettlebells 4 U in Paoli, PA.
We also now have a medical grade dynamometer and an inversion table at the studio. An intern, blobs, bumper plates, everything but a pull up bar that satisfies a 6 footer. . . .
If you are not training with us, take a look again at the numbers Doctor Bravo just put up. 5 Personal Records. Can you PR Every day?
HKC New York City, Saturday June 19th
HKC at Dragon Gym, Chester County PA's premier martial arts and kettlebell system
Tactical Athlete Instructor Course, Knoxville TN
On a Wednesday in a summer she went off. Like California wildfire ripping through Kettlebells 4 U. Her husband, a Certified Master Spinner who is built [and strong] like a power lifter, would have been blown away. Before we even hit the PR ZONE [modified Staley protocol], she hit a PR. She performed one completely un-spotted chin up. Ferocious!
15:00 PR zone for paired exercises barbell military press & sumo dead lfit
start time | weight/reps | end | load | start | weight/reps | end | load |
00:00 | 60 x 3 | :27 | 180 | 1:10 | 115 x 7 | 1:36 | 805 |
3:50 | 60 x 4 | 4:05 | 240 | 4:15 | 145 x 4 | 4:35 | 580 |
6:15 | 60 x 4 | 6:30 | 240 | 7:45 | 145 x 6 | 8:15 | 870 |
9:50 | 65 x 5 | 10:15 | 325 | 11:30 | 145 x 5 | 12:00 | 725 |
13:35 | 70 x 3 | 14:00 | 210 | 14:35 | 130 x 6 | 15:00 | 780 |
Intensity = % of 1 rep max 86-100% PR Intensity = % of 1 rep max 71-91% PR
Density = Total Time 15:00
Work time 5:08
Rest time 9:52
Total time divided by work = Density %31 PR
Personal Records for Doctor Bravo and [previous numbers]
-Press intensity [previous 80-100%], we now know that her 1RM military press has changed, that will estimated after next week.
-Average lbs./reps 63 lbs. [48 lbs.]
-Density [previous for this session was 20%]
Deadlift PR
-Volume [3683 lbs.]
-Average rep today 134 lbs. [122 lbs.]
This was also a landmark day in my career. A surgeon from India who we'll call Rambodoc of the Dragon Door Foum flew 10,000 miles to A. See his family B. Take my HKC in NYC C. Train with me at Kettlebells 4 U in Paoli, PA.
We also now have a medical grade dynamometer and an inversion table at the studio. An intern, blobs, bumper plates, everything but a pull up bar that satisfies a 6 footer. . . .
If you are not training with us, take a look again at the numbers Doctor Bravo just put up. 5 Personal Records. Can you PR Every day?
HKC New York City, Saturday June 19th
HKC at Dragon Gym, Chester County PA's premier martial arts and kettlebell system
Tactical Athlete Instructor Course, Knoxville TN
Renee Bubbly, my client at 0715
Her 2 KB bent rows with 12kg tested better than the 8kg, and the 40kg sumo dead lift did not test well at all. IN fact, you would not have guessed that she was pulling sets of 6 with the Bulldog last week.
15:00 PR zone for paired exercises
DBL Bent KB Rows [a pair of 12kg bells] DBL KB Sumo Dead Lifts [a pair of 12kg bells]
Volume = Total loads 3,657
Intensity = % of 1 rep max 50% DL, 60% Row
Density = Total Time 14:20
Work time 5:04
Rest time 9:16
Rest divided by work = Density = %40
Mind you, this zone was guided by what tested better [2kb rows better than 1kb rows] and sets were terminated when an Element Of Effort prevailed. Typically, her rows would slow down and her dead lift would just stall.
Personal Records [PR] over her last totals for the same Zone of bent rows and sumo dead lifts
1. Total volume
2. Double bent over row volume
3. Row intensity
4. Density*
Previous was 27.7%
Do you need contact? Because i feel that i have the touch. . . . .
We are back.
15:00 PR zone for paired exercises
DBL Bent KB Rows [a pair of 12kg bells] DBL KB Sumo Dead Lifts [a pair of 12kg bells]
start time | weight/reps | end | load | start | weight/reps | end | load |
00:00 | 53lbs. x 6 | :10 | 318 lbs. | :50 | 53 x 6 | 1:15 | 318 |
2:05 | x6 | 2:15 | 318 | 3:05 | x6 | 3:20 | 318 |
4:00 | x7 | 4:18 | 371 | 5:00 | x7 | 5:22 | 371 |
6:30 | x5 | 6:42 | 265 | 7:40 | x6 | 7:57 | 318 |
9:05 | x5 | 9:20 | 265 | 9:35 | x5 test 40k- | 10:45 | 265 |
12:50 | x6 | 13:05 | 318 | 13:55 | x5 | 14:20 | 265 |
TOTALS | 35 reps | 1:20 work | 1,855 | TOTALS | 35 | 3:44 work | 1,855 |
Intensity = % of 1 rep max 50% DL, 60% Row
Density = Total Time 14:20
Work time 5:04
Rest time 9:16
Rest divided by work = Density = %40
Mind you, this zone was guided by what tested better [2kb rows better than 1kb rows] and sets were terminated when an Element Of Effort prevailed. Typically, her rows would slow down and her dead lift would just stall.
Personal Records [PR] over her last totals for the same Zone of bent rows and sumo dead lifts
1. Total volume
2. Double bent over row volume
3. Row intensity
4. Density*
Previous was 27.7%
Do you need contact? Because i feel that i have the touch. . . . .
We are back.
I have the touch
My client Big Bell. Over nearly a year we have dealt with irregualrity due to my injuries and his knee. We have been positively cruising the last 9 weeks. These are his last three zones. Mind you that i mentioned about ten posts ago how many clients and i were still grooving the efficiency in which we perform biofeedback testing in order to maximize the time they give me money for. Dissimilar to the manner in which i test myself, where the data collecting is not expedited.
Friday 11 June Monday 14 June
15:00 PR zone for DBL C&P 10:00 Zone for 1 arm C&P
Volume = Total loads 2,577
Volume = Total loads 1,798
Intensity = % of 1 rep max [24kg] 66-50%
Intensity = % of 1 rep max [24kg] 66-85%
Density = Total Time 10:00
Work time 3:48
Rest time 7:40
If Gym Movement promotes "perpetual progress", what should occur next is when he tests well for these drills and throughout the 'modified' PR Zone [Staley 2005], what should happen is later this week and early into next, when he runs these sessions again, he should be better in volume or relative intensity. If you just tuned in, read back to my review of Muscle Logic.
This AM, i had my first training session that did not revolve around staying emotionally hinged, i went out and trained. At the Art Museum. After several glorious handstands and a skin the cat. They tested in a marvelous fashion against my baseline ROM, and at tonight's class i'll use the COC#1 after a few more, to see if strength is affected in a fashion like or unlike the ROM test
8 minutes of high intensity, 5 minutes of density training.
From 00:00 to 8:00 on the clock i ran up and down the 72 steps as fast as i could. For 5 min after that i ran shuttle runs from tiers 4 through 5 and 6.
Minutes 00:00-8:00
Volume = 576 steps.
Intensity = 90%
Density 63%
Minutes 10:00-15:30
Volume = 358 steps
Intensity = 90%
Density = 58%
I have contact.
Friday 11 June Monday 14 June
15:00 PR zone for DBL C&P 10:00 Zone for 1 arm C&P
start time | weight/reps | end | load | start | weight/reps | end | load |
00:00 | 16kg x 4 | 00:13 | 280 lbs. | 00:00 | 16kg x 5 RL | :56 | 350 lbs. |
1:00 | x3 | 1:10 | 210 | 2:12 | x 5 RL | 2:59 | 350 |
2:00 | x3 | 2:10 | 210 | 4:14 | x 5 RL | 4:54 | 350 |
3:00 | x6 | 3:20 | 420 | 6:44 | 20kg x 5R 4L | 7:30 | 396 |
4:00 | x3 | 4:10 | 210 | 8:35 | x 4L 4R | 9:15 | 352 |
5:00 | x4 | 5:13 | 280 | ||||
6:00 | x3 | 6:10 | 210 | ||||
7:00 | x3 | 7:13 | 280 | ||||
8:00 | 12kg x 5 | 8:18 | 265 | ||||
9:00 | 12kg x 4 | 9:13 | 212 | ||||
Volume = Total loads 1,798
Intensity = % of 1 rep max [24kg] 66-50%
Intensity = % of 1 rep max [24kg] 66-85%
Density = Total Time 10:00
Density = Total Time 9:15
Work time 2:20 Work time 3:48
Rest time 7:40
Rest time 6:12
Time divided by work = 4.5 22.22% Total time divided by work = 2.6 = 38.46%
If Gym Movement promotes "perpetual progress", what should occur next is when he tests well for these drills and throughout the 'modified' PR Zone [Staley 2005], what should happen is later this week and early into next, when he runs these sessions again, he should be better in volume or relative intensity. If you just tuned in, read back to my review of Muscle Logic.
This AM, i had my first training session that did not revolve around staying emotionally hinged, i went out and trained. At the Art Museum. After several glorious handstands and a skin the cat. They tested in a marvelous fashion against my baseline ROM, and at tonight's class i'll use the COC#1 after a few more, to see if strength is affected in a fashion like or unlike the ROM test
8 minutes of high intensity, 5 minutes of density training.
From 00:00 to 8:00 on the clock i ran up and down the 72 steps as fast as i could. For 5 min after that i ran shuttle runs from tiers 4 through 5 and 6.
Minutes 00:00-8:00
Volume = 576 steps.
Intensity = 90%
Density 63%
Minutes 10:00-15:30
Volume = 358 steps
Intensity = 90%
Density = 58%
I have contact.
ADDENDUM Friday June 18th 2010 11AM. My FMS scores and body circumference measurements from Sunday May 23rd.
OH SQT - 1 [pain]
Hurdle Step 2-2
In Line Lunge 1L 2R = 1
Shoulder Mobility- 2-2 [8" hand, 13" between each reach & pain]
Impingement test - No pain
ASLR 2-2
TSPU - 1 [pain]
Extension test - no pain
Rotary Stability 2-2
Flexion test - no pain
April 18th 2002 -219 lbs.
April 2003 -239 lbs.
August 2005 -245 lbs.
April 2007 -257 lbs.
October 2007 -272 lbs.
May 2008 -230 lbs.
November 2008 224 lbs.
April 2009 234 lbs.

13 June 2010 -234 or 247 lbs., whatever scale you want to believe. . . .
Neck = 16.5", Shoulders = 48", Chest = 48"
Bicep = 16" both arms
Navel = 39.25", Waistline = 39.5", Hips = 46"
Quadricep = 26" left, 27" right
Calf = 17.5" left, 18" right
June 16th 2010
Navel = 38.5", Waist = 39", Hip = 44", Quad = 25.5" left, 26" right
Training lay off since April 2009 for neck pain and trying to respect CKFMS curriculum which says 'Don't train until your doctor gets you out of pain'. In order to honor the education Dragon Door and FMS have given me, i opted not to lift. I'm still in pain, and just had my second hernia surgical repair in 20 months time. Getting out of this pain involves three things:
1. Going back to neutral, which means eating everything [cow, fish, pig, etc.] and limiting caffeine and alcohol [only coffee is the real problem, i don't crave a martini at 0500 when i jump out of the rack to train].
2. Performing my CK-FMS corrections and training the posture that has tested the best this last month- Inversion.
3. Recognizing and controlling the patterns.
-Handstand training and Art Museum Steps begins June 14th-
OH SQT - 1 [pain]
Hurdle Step 2-2
In Line Lunge 1L 2R = 1
Shoulder Mobility- 2-2 [8" hand, 13" between each reach & pain]
Impingement test - No pain
ASLR 2-2
TSPU - 1 [pain]
Extension test - no pain
Rotary Stability 2-2
Flexion test - no pain
April 18th 2002 -219 lbs.
April 2003 -239 lbs.
August 2005 -245 lbs.
April 2007 -257 lbs.
October 2007 -272 lbs.
May 2008 -230 lbs.
November 2008 224 lbs.
April 2009 234 lbs.

13 June 2010 -234 or 247 lbs., whatever scale you want to believe. . . .
Neck = 16.5", Shoulders = 48", Chest = 48"
Bicep = 16" both arms
Navel = 39.25", Waistline = 39.5", Hips = 46"
Quadricep = 26" left, 27" right
Calf = 17.5" left, 18" right
June 16th 2010
Navel = 38.5", Waist = 39", Hip = 44", Quad = 25.5" left, 26" right
Training lay off since April 2009 for neck pain and trying to respect CKFMS curriculum which says 'Don't train until your doctor gets you out of pain'. In order to honor the education Dragon Door and FMS have given me, i opted not to lift. I'm still in pain, and just had my second hernia surgical repair in 20 months time. Getting out of this pain involves three things:
1. Going back to neutral, which means eating everything [cow, fish, pig, etc.] and limiting caffeine and alcohol [only coffee is the real problem, i don't crave a martini at 0500 when i jump out of the rack to train].
2. Performing my CK-FMS corrections and training the posture that has tested the best this last month- Inversion.
3. Recognizing and controlling the patterns.
-Handstand training and Art Museum Steps begins June 14th-
A very sincere thank you to the Philadelphia Flyers
The 2009-2010 Philadelphia Flyers lost Game 6, and the series, of the Stanley Cup Finals last night, on home ice, to the Chicago Blackhawks. . . and i don't care.
I was engaged by nearly every minute of every playoff game, and during the regular season, the kid without a TV listened to most games on the radio, caught a few at a bar, and watched a bunch over at a homey's crib [51 inch Hi Def don't lie]. We were picked at the start of the season to win it all by hockey commentator and former NHL coach Barry Melrose, and through a turbulent 82 game season that included a two week hiatus for the Olympics, the Flyers knew all about the ups and downs of professional hockey. Their young, promising coach was fired in the early season. Their new, big money goalie, who showed up with baggage, required a career ending hip surgery. Their players doubted themselves and maybe even one another, but when the final game of the regular season ended, it was with high drama and a promise. That they would not quit.
If you do not know much about hockey, here is the abridged version: 6 men aside including a goalie.
Regular Season games are three 20 minute periods, and if the score is tied after regulation ends, there is 5:00 overtime period in which each team skates with only 5 players [4 + the goaltender]. Sudden Death overtime, first to score wins [unlike professional baseball or the NBA]. If the OT period remains scoreless, the teams engage in a shoot out. Each team lines up three players, whom are selected that very game, and they take turns going 1 on 1 against the goalie. Quite exciting. I can give you all sorts of history lessons on the NHL but i won't. I told you this because the final game of the Flyers' season, against division rival NY Rangers, was decided in a shootout, on the final shooter, and that determined our playoff position. Let me say this in a another fashion. If No. 28 Claude Giroux did not score this goal we would have not gone to the playoffs.
This season was quite rocky, and the Flyers, far from 1st place in their own division, were not playing well enough in the last 6 weeks to earn a playoff spot outright, they had to win against the Rangers, eliminating the Rangers from post season competition to secure a spot. A large portion of fans, both dedicated and fair weather, did not think the Orange and Black would go to the playoffs, let alone the finals.
It is OK for me to say that the entire playoff season was reminiscent of being trapped in a dream. The first playoff game against division rival New Jersey Devils [the only other team in the NHL i actually like] was scheduled while i was out of town at the Certified Indian Club Specialist Workshop in St. Paul. The Boston series was stuff of legend and i shouldn't have to debrief you on that, followed by a 5 game disposal of another semi-Cinderella squad, the Montreal Canadiens. In addition to the drama which stemmed from the Stanley Cup Playoffs, my personal life was also quite eventful. I had my second hernia surgery in 20 months. I chose to resign from Trader Joe's, my perfect little day job that introduced me to two guys who i'll be buds with forever. I broke up with a girl who i had convinced [and convinced myself also] that we were the future of one another and that we could navigate the rocky waters of life together, and make babies. My family sold the house that has been in our family for 40 years, the house that i spent age 10-17 in, the house which i was entitled by law to receive 30% of after sale, and boogied out to a trailer park in Delaware. My parents are so broke they chose to not pay me the 30,000 dollars i was willed by my Grandmother and clear their own debt instead [no BS, they ripped me off and moved to a trailer park in Delaware], which i will soon forget about, so long as they stay off drugs for the rest of their lives [i make more money then both of them anyway]. To further the nonsense, i enjoyed myself in responsible fashion last Friday, watching the Flyers win game 4 with my pals at the pub, narrowly avoiding a serious personal pitfall, only to end up on the phone with her at 1AM, finding out that someone said something about me and i had to get someone on the phone and make a mess so that she knew i was not worth her time because i'm blah blah blahggity blog. In addition to all of this, there is mad drama in the world of the organization i have dedicated the last 6 years of my life to, and by no coincidence, i am right in the middle of it.
So if you can tell me that your most recent 8 weeks were anything like what i just committed to text, you best call me and tell me about it, because the Cup has been handed off and that distraction is over. First, i have more to tell you.
14 years ago i graduated high school. After that, i enlisted in the Corps. I was totally born a Jarhead. So my bud from high school whom i spent the most hang time with back in those days grew up to be a talented chef who has returned to the neighborhood as of last year. Not until last night did we get to sit down together and hang out as grown men. Big Z is now a muscular, handsome restaurant consultant in the Philly area and he has a 6 year old son whom he loves very much. He saw my mom at the convenient store she works at last summer, and she gave him my number. We traded phone calls and then literally bumped into each other at the health club about two months ago, three days before that game against the NY Rangers, he working lat pull downs and i ready to work my Indian club skill. Last night, i scooted to the pub near his apartment and we watched every minute of the game together. And i came to find out that he is a really cool cat. I was all forms of player hating on him in high school, though we were buds. He had his license and a car way before me, always had a hot girl on his arm, was terribly funny, and smart enough to throw keg parties in the woods and make about 300.00 each weekend. After about 13 years of not seeing each other or even knowing what the other was really up to, there we sat, engaged by the Flyers and pretty much on the level after 13 long, long years. So, when Scotty Hartnell scored the goal that took us into overtime, we gave each other a 9 foot high fiver. And when whatever-his-name-is from the Blackhawks scored the game winner in OT, ending our season and pulling me out of the wake of this spring dream, he was the first person i said "good night" to before i walked on home. I hope we end up seated at the pub together again, for sure. And FYI i had a feast last night, so mammoth, that you cannot comprehend. Sans beers [though my friends would not let me get away with bailing on shots of Jameson, i was trying to leave the alcohol out of it], and drinking straight ice water all night, i ordered three salads and an entree, which i will detail as a post script.
The distraction from real life that was the NHL post season is now over, and the next chapter of this year, these seasons, my pilgrimage, is being written. I can only hint at how helpful the Cup was with regard to aiding in my efforts to not think about this break up every minute, and now that it's over, it my responsibility to fully digest the fact that it is over, and i can move on. In the lexicon of an adult relationship and hockey, it's game, series, season. In 2007 i was involved in a break up that had more administrative woe than squall of lost love, and i failed to act appropriately when it all came down. It is different now. If i want, i can rise straight to the light. If i want, i will prevail. I should believe in myself, many other people do. The Flyers were nearly done for the year, and they gave us an incomparable
8 weeks of effort. In thanking them for the memories and the excitement, i must also thank them for the example given. You did not quit, boys. You got confused sometimes, and you doubted yourselves, as we all do, but when the game and season finalized, it wasn't because you submitted. You were just outgunned. The lesson, and the memories, should prove eternal. Thank you so very much.
"This time, this time, i'm gonna find. . .because i know there's time"
I was engaged by nearly every minute of every playoff game, and during the regular season, the kid without a TV listened to most games on the radio, caught a few at a bar, and watched a bunch over at a homey's crib [51 inch Hi Def don't lie]. We were picked at the start of the season to win it all by hockey commentator and former NHL coach Barry Melrose, and through a turbulent 82 game season that included a two week hiatus for the Olympics, the Flyers knew all about the ups and downs of professional hockey. Their young, promising coach was fired in the early season. Their new, big money goalie, who showed up with baggage, required a career ending hip surgery. Their players doubted themselves and maybe even one another, but when the final game of the regular season ended, it was with high drama and a promise. That they would not quit.
If you do not know much about hockey, here is the abridged version: 6 men aside including a goalie.
Regular Season games are three 20 minute periods, and if the score is tied after regulation ends, there is 5:00 overtime period in which each team skates with only 5 players [4 + the goaltender]. Sudden Death overtime, first to score wins [unlike professional baseball or the NBA]. If the OT period remains scoreless, the teams engage in a shoot out. Each team lines up three players, whom are selected that very game, and they take turns going 1 on 1 against the goalie. Quite exciting. I can give you all sorts of history lessons on the NHL but i won't. I told you this because the final game of the Flyers' season, against division rival NY Rangers, was decided in a shootout, on the final shooter, and that determined our playoff position. Let me say this in a another fashion. If No. 28 Claude Giroux did not score this goal we would have not gone to the playoffs.
This season was quite rocky, and the Flyers, far from 1st place in their own division, were not playing well enough in the last 6 weeks to earn a playoff spot outright, they had to win against the Rangers, eliminating the Rangers from post season competition to secure a spot. A large portion of fans, both dedicated and fair weather, did not think the Orange and Black would go to the playoffs, let alone the finals.
It is OK for me to say that the entire playoff season was reminiscent of being trapped in a dream. The first playoff game against division rival New Jersey Devils [the only other team in the NHL i actually like] was scheduled while i was out of town at the Certified Indian Club Specialist Workshop in St. Paul. The Boston series was stuff of legend and i shouldn't have to debrief you on that, followed by a 5 game disposal of another semi-Cinderella squad, the Montreal Canadiens. In addition to the drama which stemmed from the Stanley Cup Playoffs, my personal life was also quite eventful. I had my second hernia surgery in 20 months. I chose to resign from Trader Joe's, my perfect little day job that introduced me to two guys who i'll be buds with forever. I broke up with a girl who i had convinced [and convinced myself also] that we were the future of one another and that we could navigate the rocky waters of life together, and make babies. My family sold the house that has been in our family for 40 years, the house that i spent age 10-17 in, the house which i was entitled by law to receive 30% of after sale, and boogied out to a trailer park in Delaware. My parents are so broke they chose to not pay me the 30,000 dollars i was willed by my Grandmother and clear their own debt instead [no BS, they ripped me off and moved to a trailer park in Delaware], which i will soon forget about, so long as they stay off drugs for the rest of their lives [i make more money then both of them anyway]. To further the nonsense, i enjoyed myself in responsible fashion last Friday, watching the Flyers win game 4 with my pals at the pub, narrowly avoiding a serious personal pitfall, only to end up on the phone with her at 1AM, finding out that someone said something about me and i had to get someone on the phone and make a mess so that she knew i was not worth her time because i'm blah blah blahggity blog. In addition to all of this, there is mad drama in the world of the organization i have dedicated the last 6 years of my life to, and by no coincidence, i am right in the middle of it.
So if you can tell me that your most recent 8 weeks were anything like what i just committed to text, you best call me and tell me about it, because the Cup has been handed off and that distraction is over. First, i have more to tell you.
14 years ago i graduated high school. After that, i enlisted in the Corps. I was totally born a Jarhead. So my bud from high school whom i spent the most hang time with back in those days grew up to be a talented chef who has returned to the neighborhood as of last year. Not until last night did we get to sit down together and hang out as grown men. Big Z is now a muscular, handsome restaurant consultant in the Philly area and he has a 6 year old son whom he loves very much. He saw my mom at the convenient store she works at last summer, and she gave him my number. We traded phone calls and then literally bumped into each other at the health club about two months ago, three days before that game against the NY Rangers, he working lat pull downs and i ready to work my Indian club skill. Last night, i scooted to the pub near his apartment and we watched every minute of the game together. And i came to find out that he is a really cool cat. I was all forms of player hating on him in high school, though we were buds. He had his license and a car way before me, always had a hot girl on his arm, was terribly funny, and smart enough to throw keg parties in the woods and make about 300.00 each weekend. After about 13 years of not seeing each other or even knowing what the other was really up to, there we sat, engaged by the Flyers and pretty much on the level after 13 long, long years. So, when Scotty Hartnell scored the goal that took us into overtime, we gave each other a 9 foot high fiver. And when whatever-his-name-is from the Blackhawks scored the game winner in OT, ending our season and pulling me out of the wake of this spring dream, he was the first person i said "good night" to before i walked on home. I hope we end up seated at the pub together again, for sure. And FYI i had a feast last night, so mammoth, that you cannot comprehend. Sans beers [though my friends would not let me get away with bailing on shots of Jameson, i was trying to leave the alcohol out of it], and drinking straight ice water all night, i ordered three salads and an entree, which i will detail as a post script.
The distraction from real life that was the NHL post season is now over, and the next chapter of this year, these seasons, my pilgrimage, is being written. I can only hint at how helpful the Cup was with regard to aiding in my efforts to not think about this break up every minute, and now that it's over, it my responsibility to fully digest the fact that it is over, and i can move on. In the lexicon of an adult relationship and hockey, it's game, series, season. In 2007 i was involved in a break up that had more administrative woe than squall of lost love, and i failed to act appropriately when it all came down. It is different now. If i want, i can rise straight to the light. If i want, i will prevail. I should believe in myself, many other people do. The Flyers were nearly done for the year, and they gave us an incomparable
8 weeks of effort. In thanking them for the memories and the excitement, i must also thank them for the example given. You did not quit, boys. You got confused sometimes, and you doubted yourselves, as we all do, but when the game and season finalized, it wasn't because you submitted. You were just outgunned. The lesson, and the memories, should prove eternal. Thank you so very much.
"This time, this time, i'm gonna find. . .because i know there's time"
Morning Report and review of Muslce Logic by Charles Staley
You can not make this stuff up. I go into neighbor Bob's cabinet this morning for a mug in which i would soon fill with hot coffee. The heat/humidity wave that marked all of last week has subsided, and so a nice cool 65 degree morning was met with a cup of joe. If you did not know this about me, i have weirdness all over. I can't just open a cabinet and grab the first glass or mug that i see, i have to grab the far right on the 2nd row. I don't know why either. This was the mug that i removed from the cabinet.
And now for the 'meat' of the post.
Review of Charles Staley's Muscle Logic, published in 2005.
Reaching back to the year Two Thousand and Something, i can [again] recall now defunct publication Muscle Media changing the way i thought about exercise. First, it was the introduction to Pavel, the man who i've studied under for the last 5 years. After that, it was an abridged article on Escalating Density Training, patented by Charles Staley, an American born 'searcher' who did not rely on the bodybuilding dogma that programs are universal and one size would fit all. In those days, i did not have a computer [i never owned a PC until January 2005] and when the awesomely brief article ended, it hinted that the EDT secrets were available online. I hadn't the option, so i familiarized myself heavily with the 5 pages of content that the generous MM staff offered us. EDT is about increasing your work capacity and charging towards matching your rest time to the work time [% density] in 10:00-15:00 minute zones and building a hard mass of tissue that will get you feeling amazing and working like a machine.
When Pavel referenced Staley later on, and the two collaborated for a workshop that was eventually pressed to DVD, i was not surprised. And though i will admit to not having purchased/seen the DVD set [i will before i die], my hopes for what it contained did not line up with my impression of their relationship after i read Muscle Logic. And, regardless of how you feel about me now as compared to 6 weeks ago [ex-girlfriends and prior landlords need not apply], i am one of Pavel's 'top guys', and you should heed this review.
Muscle Logic was pretty awesome.
-My sparse slams to this book will only charm followers of Gym Movement and if you happen to read this without knowing about biofeedback testing prior to loaded movement training, go read Mike T Nelson's blog. Or Adam T Glass' blog-
Staley does not inflate this book or himself in any way. It is top sirloin and stir fry, with just a wee bit of user-friendly low sodium steak sauce. Damn near everything you need and nothing you don't. In order to not waste my time or yours, i will only detail the things in the book i disagreed with and you may assume that i am a huge fan of the rest of the book, specifically the bullet points below.
-The four 'commandments'
-PR Zones
-Antagonistic pairings
-Macro-movements rule!
-Use great form and great things will follow
-Do not seek pain or fatigue, seek to manage it [see 'Elements of Effort']
-Pavel is smart and knows his stuff
What i could not dig about the book were very small effects such as exercise selection and steering points of progress. For example, i know Charles and Pavel are homies, yet not a single mention of kettlebells anywhere in the book. The Evil Russian is on the back cover and quoted within the first 50 pages [which does not mean that Pavel = Kettlebells (well, not anymore) to everyone on Earth], however the handle-bell is left out entirely. This can only lead me to make an uneducated guess based on conversations i've had with John 'The Train' Hackleman, Marty Gallagher, and several hundred coaches, trainers, and fit pro's, and that is that kettlebells are not trusted. My guess is that Mr. Staley has kettlebells in his home and training facility in Arizona, and likely uses them for swings, squats, rows, and maybe even throws, yet [AND THIS IS JUST CONJECTURE FROM SOME A$$HOLE IN PHILLY], my bet is that he thinks presses, snatches, jerks, and any overhead lifting is not accessible to everyone and should be treated as molten hot with a chance of death/dismemberment. Just a guess. In addition, it made sense to me that, though Mr. Staley trumpets the free weights and barbell lifts heavily and nearly comes off as abhorrent towards tiny machine lifts like calf raises and bigger wastes of time leg the leg press, he does reference machine Hack Squats and lat-pulldowns in his Session 1-Session 2 AB splits. I understand that not everyone is going to use exclusively the barbell and body weight drills, and the book must have been made palatable for the gym rat [whose mind the book is intended to change], still, some of the lifts and the segmented approach to training the muscular system were the only things i could not get down with.
So what does that mean to the author or to his trainees, nothing! I bet you everyone he trains is in love with their coach and that he has had unparalleled results with what he does. I would profess that if i save the coin to go out and take a fine young lady [or my only man-crush Matthew Fox] to his Bed & Barbell, i would learn more than i would hope to ever forget and that my battered bones would love some lat pull downs and triceps extension drills. And what's more, Coach offers that you modify the PR Zones to reflect what your body needs, and if you can make his system fit your body, and not vice versa, you will win! And all this while training your body to look like it has been 'on' EDT. I believe that we have a winner here, and pardon me for being 5 years late to the party, but i have always been the cat that shows up at last call and steals your honey. . .
Numerical Value: Not assigned, this book is better than any monthly fitness pub and simpler than a Rubick's Cube, which appeals to my cranial capacity [Willy like eggs for dinner] and it'll allow you to make it work with your own desired drills while giving you nice knowledge nuggets in the first 30 pages before you even begin to select your exercises. With what we have cooking at our studio in Paoli, Gary Berenbroick and i will likely have lots of people training in 15 minute PR Zones, however they will be guided by testing, rather than incremental increases in weight. Thank you coach, for giving us some flexibility, and thank you Pavel, for giving us the handled bell.
So stand up and stretch, already!
Addendum: I could not let this go, i'm sorry. I have three words for you: Hank Williams the m*^#er f^@%^ng III.
Billboard rates the 'Top' country artists
Review of Charles Staley's Muscle Logic, published in 2005.
Reaching back to the year Two Thousand and Something, i can [again] recall now defunct publication Muscle Media changing the way i thought about exercise. First, it was the introduction to Pavel, the man who i've studied under for the last 5 years. After that, it was an abridged article on Escalating Density Training, patented by Charles Staley, an American born 'searcher' who did not rely on the bodybuilding dogma that programs are universal and one size would fit all. In those days, i did not have a computer [i never owned a PC until January 2005] and when the awesomely brief article ended, it hinted that the EDT secrets were available online. I hadn't the option, so i familiarized myself heavily with the 5 pages of content that the generous MM staff offered us. EDT is about increasing your work capacity and charging towards matching your rest time to the work time [% density] in 10:00-15:00 minute zones and building a hard mass of tissue that will get you feeling amazing and working like a machine.
When Pavel referenced Staley later on, and the two collaborated for a workshop that was eventually pressed to DVD, i was not surprised. And though i will admit to not having purchased/seen the DVD set [i will before i die], my hopes for what it contained did not line up with my impression of their relationship after i read Muscle Logic. And, regardless of how you feel about me now as compared to 6 weeks ago [ex-girlfriends and prior landlords need not apply], i am one of Pavel's 'top guys', and you should heed this review.
Muscle Logic was pretty awesome.
-My sparse slams to this book will only charm followers of Gym Movement and if you happen to read this without knowing about biofeedback testing prior to loaded movement training, go read Mike T Nelson's blog. Or Adam T Glass' blog-
Staley does not inflate this book or himself in any way. It is top sirloin and stir fry, with just a wee bit of user-friendly low sodium steak sauce. Damn near everything you need and nothing you don't. In order to not waste my time or yours, i will only detail the things in the book i disagreed with and you may assume that i am a huge fan of the rest of the book, specifically the bullet points below.
-The four 'commandments'
-PR Zones
-Antagonistic pairings
-Macro-movements rule!
-Use great form and great things will follow
-Do not seek pain or fatigue, seek to manage it [see 'Elements of Effort']
-Pavel is smart and knows his stuff
What i could not dig about the book were very small effects such as exercise selection and steering points of progress. For example, i know Charles and Pavel are homies, yet not a single mention of kettlebells anywhere in the book. The Evil Russian is on the back cover and quoted within the first 50 pages [which does not mean that Pavel = Kettlebells (well, not anymore) to everyone on Earth], however the handle-bell is left out entirely. This can only lead me to make an uneducated guess based on conversations i've had with John 'The Train' Hackleman, Marty Gallagher, and several hundred coaches, trainers, and fit pro's, and that is that kettlebells are not trusted. My guess is that Mr. Staley has kettlebells in his home and training facility in Arizona, and likely uses them for swings, squats, rows, and maybe even throws, yet [AND THIS IS JUST CONJECTURE FROM SOME A$$HOLE IN PHILLY], my bet is that he thinks presses, snatches, jerks, and any overhead lifting is not accessible to everyone and should be treated as molten hot with a chance of death/dismemberment. Just a guess. In addition, it made sense to me that, though Mr. Staley trumpets the free weights and barbell lifts heavily and nearly comes off as abhorrent towards tiny machine lifts like calf raises and bigger wastes of time leg the leg press, he does reference machine Hack Squats and lat-pulldowns in his Session 1-Session 2 AB splits. I understand that not everyone is going to use exclusively the barbell and body weight drills, and the book must have been made palatable for the gym rat [whose mind the book is intended to change], still, some of the lifts and the segmented approach to training the muscular system were the only things i could not get down with.
So what does that mean to the author or to his trainees, nothing! I bet you everyone he trains is in love with their coach and that he has had unparalleled results with what he does. I would profess that if i save the coin to go out and take a fine young lady [or my only man-crush Matthew Fox] to his Bed & Barbell, i would learn more than i would hope to ever forget and that my battered bones would love some lat pull downs and triceps extension drills. And what's more, Coach offers that you modify the PR Zones to reflect what your body needs, and if you can make his system fit your body, and not vice versa, you will win! And all this while training your body to look like it has been 'on' EDT. I believe that we have a winner here, and pardon me for being 5 years late to the party, but i have always been the cat that shows up at last call and steals your honey. . .
Numerical Value: Not assigned, this book is better than any monthly fitness pub and simpler than a Rubick's Cube, which appeals to my cranial capacity [Willy like eggs for dinner] and it'll allow you to make it work with your own desired drills while giving you nice knowledge nuggets in the first 30 pages before you even begin to select your exercises. With what we have cooking at our studio in Paoli, Gary Berenbroick and i will likely have lots of people training in 15 minute PR Zones, however they will be guided by testing, rather than incremental increases in weight. Thank you coach, for giving us some flexibility, and thank you Pavel, for giving us the handled bell.
So stand up and stretch, already!
Addendum: I could not let this go, i'm sorry. I have three words for you: Hank Williams the m*^#er f^@%^ng III.
Billboard rates the 'Top' country artists
Imperfect circles
The Nurse meets The Outsider at The Temple
Tested double 12kg Clean and press, clean & push press, and see-saw press. See saw tested the best, so we hit it up. See saw press + full flight of steps x 6 rounds, followed by a set of 5 DBLC&P and a suicide set.
VOLUME: KB Drills = 29 reps over 6 sets, 1,537 lbs, Steps = 700 steps
INTENSITY: KB Drills = 75%, Steps = 77-90% speed for full flights
DENSITY: 17:06 total time, 8:06 total work time and with 8:36 in pure rest and in time coming down the steps from her full flights, we now have the data for the % Density.
Rest divided by work = Ratio. 8:36 [8.55] divided by 8:06 [8.1] = 1.05. This equalls about 49% dnesity. Which means that she worked for the same amount of time she rested, save :30. This was her first day back from vacation, and it was apparrent that she hasn't slowed down. Also, she told me afterwards that she did 400 swings and ran 2 miles before i met her at the Art Museum Steps. Kinda animalistic, kinda uncalled for, but all Philly!
This workout could not be clocked as a PR in any category, as we have never run this exact scheme yet, but the time will come in about a week when we'll run it again, likely without see-saw presses and go for straight up DBLC&P.
What's trending in my life right now? Chipotle hummus, Tiger Army [old stuff], sushi, high stress hockey games, and until yesterday at 8PM, ridiculously high humidity.
Tested double 12kg Clean and press, clean & push press, and see-saw press. See saw tested the best, so we hit it up. See saw press + full flight of steps x 6 rounds, followed by a set of 5 DBLC&P and a suicide set.
VOLUME: KB Drills = 29 reps over 6 sets, 1,537 lbs, Steps = 700 steps
INTENSITY: KB Drills = 75%, Steps = 77-90% speed for full flights
DENSITY: 17:06 total time, 8:06 total work time and with 8:36 in pure rest and in time coming down the steps from her full flights, we now have the data for the % Density.
Rest divided by work = Ratio. 8:36 [8.55] divided by 8:06 [8.1] = 1.05. This equalls about 49% dnesity. Which means that she worked for the same amount of time she rested, save :30. This was her first day back from vacation, and it was apparrent that she hasn't slowed down. Also, she told me afterwards that she did 400 swings and ran 2 miles before i met her at the Art Museum Steps. Kinda animalistic, kinda uncalled for, but all Philly!
This workout could not be clocked as a PR in any category, as we have never run this exact scheme yet, but the time will come in about a week when we'll run it again, likely without see-saw presses and go for straight up DBLC&P.
What's trending in my life right now? Chipotle hummus, Tiger Army [old stuff], sushi, high stress hockey games, and until yesterday at 8PM, ridiculously high humidity.
Morning Report
The situation with my hair has improved greatly. I woke up looking like this today. I put so much Garnier 'surf hair' in it last night, that it maintained form during the 8 hours sleep i got. Didn't take much work to get handsome. Just kinda woke up, stood up, made the coffee.
-Hank Williams III & Dixie Chicks to start the day
-Ultra Roast coffee from Trader Joe's, fresh ground and made in the French press
-Finished reading Charles Staley's Muscle Logic and when you see how we modify the PR zone to reflect attention paid to the elements of effort, it will floor you. High density work with no CNS degradation: it's possible!
-Hank Williams III & Dixie Chicks to start the day
-Ultra Roast coffee from Trader Joe's, fresh ground and made in the French press
-Finished reading Charles Staley's Muscle Logic and when you see how we modify the PR zone to reflect attention paid to the elements of effort, it will floor you. High density work with no CNS degradation: it's possible!
A quick poem before you read about Neighbor Bob's third consecutive 630AM session in 80 degree weather.
If coffee tastes like whiskey
it means one of two things:
Them beans are mighty frisky,
or i woke when midnight rings.
EDT modified PR Zone 15:00
2 x 12kg kb Suitcase DL and elevated push up tested well for my 63 year old client who lives to break my balls in the morning.
-I won't track the entire Zone for you here, but this is the final Tri-Metric report.
Volume = DBL SUITCASE DL 2,909lbs with 52 reps over 4 sets. ELEVATED PUSH UP 28 reps over 4 sets with his hands elevated to mid-thigh level.
Intensity = DL intensity was 40%, Push up could not be calculated.
Density = Total time 15:00, total work 3:50, total rest 10:10, density 33.67%. I think i got that right. Someone who knows better, chime in on the density % calculation. Please.
If coffee tastes like whiskey
it means one of two things:
Them beans are mighty frisky,
or i woke when midnight rings.
EDT modified PR Zone 15:00
2 x 12kg kb Suitcase DL and elevated push up tested well for my 63 year old client who lives to break my balls in the morning.
-I won't track the entire Zone for you here, but this is the final Tri-Metric report.
Volume = DBL SUITCASE DL 2,909lbs with 52 reps over 4 sets. ELEVATED PUSH UP 28 reps over 4 sets with his hands elevated to mid-thigh level.
Intensity = DL intensity was 40%, Push up could not be calculated.
Density = Total time 15:00, total work 3:50, total rest 10:10, density 33.67%. I think i got that right. Someone who knows better, chime in on the density % calculation. Please.
First intensity PR using Gym Movement protocol for Doctor Bravo
I have not logged into the Instructor Forum in over two weeks, as i knew that there would be blood. I was in a meeting with the other senior staff when the opinions of Frankie, Adam, GM and Grip N Rip were voiced. I have friends on all sides of this argument, and friends who are in the cross hairs. I can tell you that i don't need to log in to an Internet chat room in order to have drama and turmoil. She and I are on the rocks, broken up, and it is around 78% humidity at midnight here, so my tiny apartment is too sweaty to sleep in, my girl and i are shattered, and the Flyers have played three nerve wrecking games in a row.
In addition, i have received 6 phone calls, 17 text messages, and four emails asking my opinion on the situation involving the GM/RKC/Z-Health "controversy". I have told everyone the same thing. Make up your own fracking mind, and when the Flyers are finished in the Cup Finals, she and i are clearly over each other, and everyone else had said all they need to say, then you can buy me a shot of Patron and i may tell you.
The reality of the situation is that Gym Movement is the diametric opposite of RKC, and the GM team are operating on a premise that includes about 25% proprietary information and tactics/style, and the remaining three quarters are codified resistance training measures of progress and [for reasons unknown] obscure methods of 'poor man's' applied kinesiology. I only say "poor man's" due to the availability of strength and range-of-motion biofeedback testing to anyone who will learn the GM testing protocol.
Where am i? That is not important. What is important? A friend and colleague told me that the best thing for my business would be to develop the Will Williams system, also known as Authentic Strength Training. Most of us know that movement quality is a gray area, yet Volume, Intensity, and Density are quantifiable measurements. Many of you know that cycling between volume and intensity has been done for years and is not something that Frankie Faires developed himself. But until recently i focused solely on using RKC templates [ETK, PTTP, SSST] with my clients, both RKC and civilian. Lately, i have been testing movements and planning different things for the future of my non-RKC client body. I'm sure that Pavel does not expect all of his RKC class to train the students strictly from his textbooks, and chalk it up as an indicator of my fanatical personality and limited brain capacity, but it took several views of the GM DVD and more than a few minutes on the phone with Adam Glass in order to alter my position on progress for the punters.
Observe the fun Dr. Bravo and i had yesterday.
Female, aged 30-something. Barbell press 1 rep maximum was 65 lbs. on April 18th.
The session logged [as per SOP] in weight, reps, rest, and the + or - means that she tested well for it or tested negative using a COC #S gripper in her non-dominant hand.
Olympic bar x 5 reps, rest, test +
55lbs. x 2 reps, rest 2:20+
50lbs. x 3 reps, rest 2:40
55lbs. x 4 reps, rest 4:00+
55lbs. x 4 reps, rest 3:30
60lbs. x 4 reps, rest 3:10+
65lbs. [previous 1RM (tested, not estimated)] x 3 reps [+] and DONE!
Volume 1295 lbs. in 25 reps/7 sets
Intensity 72%-100% PR
Density 17:05
Can you fault me for finding a reason to reinvest in my career and believe that I can be healthy and train again? You could likely fault me for violating the Code of Conduct by associating myself with Adam and Frankie, and you could also take issue with the fact that several of my RKC clients have paid for sessions in which they tested with strength and ROM before they did anything. However, i want them to get better. They want it too. Not exactly 'end-of-story', but it's the end of this post.
In addition, i have received 6 phone calls, 17 text messages, and four emails asking my opinion on the situation involving the GM/RKC/Z-Health "controversy". I have told everyone the same thing. Make up your own fracking mind, and when the Flyers are finished in the Cup Finals, she and i are clearly over each other, and everyone else had said all they need to say, then you can buy me a shot of Patron and i may tell you.
The reality of the situation is that Gym Movement is the diametric opposite of RKC, and the GM team are operating on a premise that includes about 25% proprietary information and tactics/style, and the remaining three quarters are codified resistance training measures of progress and [for reasons unknown] obscure methods of 'poor man's' applied kinesiology. I only say "poor man's" due to the availability of strength and range-of-motion biofeedback testing to anyone who will learn the GM testing protocol.
Where am i? That is not important. What is important? A friend and colleague told me that the best thing for my business would be to develop the Will Williams system, also known as Authentic Strength Training. Most of us know that movement quality is a gray area, yet Volume, Intensity, and Density are quantifiable measurements. Many of you know that cycling between volume and intensity has been done for years and is not something that Frankie Faires developed himself. But until recently i focused solely on using RKC templates [ETK, PTTP, SSST] with my clients, both RKC and civilian. Lately, i have been testing movements and planning different things for the future of my non-RKC client body. I'm sure that Pavel does not expect all of his RKC class to train the students strictly from his textbooks, and chalk it up as an indicator of my fanatical personality and limited brain capacity, but it took several views of the GM DVD and more than a few minutes on the phone with Adam Glass in order to alter my position on progress for the punters.
Observe the fun Dr. Bravo and i had yesterday.
Female, aged 30-something. Barbell press 1 rep maximum was 65 lbs. on April 18th.
The session logged [as per SOP] in weight, reps, rest, and the + or - means that she tested well for it or tested negative using a COC #S gripper in her non-dominant hand.
Olympic bar x 5 reps, rest, test +
55lbs. x 2 reps, rest 2:20+
50lbs. x 3 reps, rest 2:40
55lbs. x 4 reps, rest 4:00+
55lbs. x 4 reps, rest 3:30
60lbs. x 4 reps, rest 3:10+
65lbs. [previous 1RM (tested, not estimated)] x 3 reps [+] and DONE!
Volume 1295 lbs. in 25 reps/7 sets
Intensity 72%-100% PR
Density 17:05
Can you fault me for finding a reason to reinvest in my career and believe that I can be healthy and train again? You could likely fault me for violating the Code of Conduct by associating myself with Adam and Frankie, and you could also take issue with the fact that several of my RKC clients have paid for sessions in which they tested with strength and ROM before they did anything. However, i want them to get better. They want it too. Not exactly 'end-of-story', but it's the end of this post.
Sit Rep for Colorado workshops in August, click through
Too funny not to share. My 0630 client, neighbor Bob, was telling me about his first boyfriend and how they were together for ten years and how he was a mens hair stylist. He wraps up the sentence with ". . . and you would have loved John. He would have taken that hair of yours and made you look great." Uh, alright. Thanks Bob! And this was after 5 or 6 women and a few dudes commented on my hair two weekends ago. What I have come to figure is that after a conscious decision to save money and not go to Luigi's for a haircut, it became clear that my face needs so much help that summertime shaggy blond hair has at last raised interest from fairer sources. Two years ago i made a joke to the Diesel Doc that with ripped abs, blue eyes, and blond hair, i was ready for my own reality TV show. He fired back with something like 'well you are not that handsome, you simply have an interesting face'. Denied! I had no comeback. So it appears that all the hatred of my appearance i harbored when i was a teen is valid. Screw you guys, i'm going home! Wait, i'm already home. Screw you guys i'm going to match dot com, where i'll get 50 winks and ten emails a day. Bastards.
In an unrelated story, the Durango Herald ran a nice online piece about my friends in CO. No, i am not a Master RKC, it was a misquote. But a neat article.
Sparkles, professional male model
Cast your vote here: Handsome or interesting looking?
In an unrelated story, the Durango Herald ran a nice online piece about my friends in CO. No, i am not a Master RKC, it was a misquote. But a neat article.
Sparkles, professional male model
Cast your vote here: Handsome or interesting looking?
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